Source code for large_image_source_tifffile

import json
import logging
import math
import os
import threading
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as _importlib_version

import numpy as np

import large_image
from large_image.cache_util import LruCacheMetaclass, methodcache
from large_image.constants import TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, SourcePriority
from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceError, TileSourceFileNotFoundError
from large_image.tilesource import FileTileSource

tifffile = None
zarr = None

    __version__ = _importlib_version(__name__)
except PackageNotFoundError:
    # package is not installed

[docs] class checkForMissingDataHandler(logging.Handler):
[docs] def emit(self, record): msg = record.getMessage() if 'Missing data are zeroed' in msg or 'OME series expected ' in msg: raise TileSourceError(record.getMessage())
def _lazyImport(): """ Import the tifffile module. This is done when needed rather than in the module initialization because it is slow. """ global tifffile global zarr if tifffile is None: try: import tifffile except ImportError: msg = 'tifffile module not found.' raise TileSourceError(msg) if not hasattr(tifffile.TiffTag, 'dtype_name') or not hasattr(tifffile.TiffPage, 'aszarr'): tifffile = None msg = 'tifffile module is too old.' raise TileSourceError(msg) # The missing data handler consumes most warnings, but throws if a # warning about missing data occurs # The tifffile.tifffile logger is in older versions of tifffile logging.getLogger('tifffile.tifffile').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('tifffile.tifffile').addHandler(checkForMissingDataHandler()) logging.getLogger('tifffile').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('tifffile').addHandler(checkForMissingDataHandler()) if zarr is None: import zarr
[docs] def et_findall(tag, text): """ Find all the child tags in an element tree that end with a specific string. :param tag: the tag to search. :param text: the text to end with. :returns: a list of tags. """ return [entry for entry in tag if entry.tag.endswith(text)]
[docs] class TifffileFileTileSource(FileTileSource, metaclass=LruCacheMetaclass): """ Provides tile access to files that the tifffile library can read. """ cacheName = 'tilesource' name = 'tifffile' extensions = { None: SourcePriority.LOW, 'scn': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, 'tif': SourcePriority.LOW, 'tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, } mimeTypes = { None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK, 'image/scn': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, 'image/tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, 'image/x-tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, } # Fallback for non-tiled or oddly tiled sources _tileSize = 512 _minImageSize = 128 _minTileSize = 128 _singleTileSize = 1024 _maxTileSize = 2048 _minAssociatedImageSize = 64 _maxAssociatedImageSize = 8192 def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): # noqa """ Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters. :param path: a filesystem path for the tile source. """ super().__init__(path, **kwargs) self._largeImagePath = str(self._getLargeImagePath()) _lazyImport() self.addKnownExtensions() try: self._tf = tifffile.TiffFile(self._largeImagePath) except Exception: if not os.path.isfile(self._largeImagePath): raise TileSourceFileNotFoundError(self._largeImagePath) from None msg = 'File cannot be opened via tifffile.' raise TileSourceError(msg) maxseries, maxsamples = self._biggestSeries() self.tileWidth = self.tileHeight = self._tileSize s = self._tf.series[maxseries] self._baseSeries = s if len(s.levels) == 1: self.tileWidth = self.tileHeight = self._singleTileSize page = s.pages[0] if ('TileWidth' in page.tags and self._minTileSize <= page.tags['TileWidth'].value <= self._maxTileSize): self.tileWidth = page.tags['TileWidth'].value if ('TileLength' in page.tags and self._minTileSize <= page.tags['TileLength'].value <= self._maxTileSize): self.tileHeight = page.tags['TileLength'].value if 'InterColorProfile' in page.tags: self._iccprofiles = [page.tags['InterColorProfile'].value] self.sizeX = s.shape[s.axes.index('X')] self.sizeY = s.shape[s.axes.index('Y')] self._mm_x = self._mm_y = None try: unit = {2: 25.4, 3: 10}[page.tags['ResolutionUnit'].value.real] if (page.tags['XResolution'].value[0] and page.tags['XResolution'].value[1] and ( page.tags['XResolution'].value[0] / page.tags['XResolution'].value[1]) >= 100): self._mm_x = (unit * page.tags['XResolution'].value[1] / page.tags['XResolution'].value[0]) if (page.tags['YResolution'].value[0] and page.tags['YResolution'].value[1] and ( page.tags['YResolution'].value[0] / page.tags['YResolution'].value[1]) >= 100): self._mm_y = (unit * page.tags['YResolution'].value[1] / page.tags['YResolution'].value[0]) except Exception: pass self._findMatchingSeries() self.levels = int(max(1, math.ceil(math.log( float(max(self.sizeX, self.sizeY)) / self.tileWidth) / math.log(2)) + 1)) self._findAssociatedImages() for key in dir(self._tf): if (key.startswith('is_') and hasattr(self, '_handle_' + key[3:]) and getattr(self._tf, key)): getattr(self, '_handle_' + key[3:])() self._populatedLevels = len(self._baseSeries.levels) # Some files have their axes listed in the wrong order. Try to access # the lastmost pixel; if that fails, probably the axes and shape don't # match the file (or the file is corrupted). try: self.getPixel(region={'left': self.sizeX - 1, 'top': self.sizeY - 1}, frame=self.frames - 1) except Exception: msg = 'File cannot be opened via tifffile: axes and shape do not match access pattern.' raise TileSourceError(msg) def _biggestSeries(self): """ Find the series with the most pixels. Use all series that have the same dimensionality and resolution. They can differ in X, Y size. :returns: index of the largest series, number of pixels in a frame in that series. """ maxseries = None maxsamples = 0 ex = 'no maximum series' try: for idx, s in enumerate(self._tf.series): samples = if samples > maxsamples and 'X' in s.axes and 'Y' in s.axes: maxseries = idx maxsamples = samples except Exception as exc: self.logger.debug('Cannot use tifffile: %r', exc) ex = exc maxseries = None if maxseries is None: raise TileSourceError( 'File cannot be opened via tifffile source: %r' % ex) return maxseries, maxsamples def _findMatchingSeries(self): """ Given a series in self._baseSeries, find other series that have the same axes and shape except that they may different in width and height. Store the results in self._series, _seriesShape, _framecount, and _basis. """ base = self._baseSeries page = base.pages[0] self._series = [] self._seriesShape = [] for idx, s in enumerate(self._tf.series): if s != base: if in {'label', 'macro', 'thumbnail', 'map'}: continue if 'P' in base.axes or s.axes != base.axes: continue if not all(base.axes[sidx] in 'YX' or sl == base.shape[sidx] for sidx, sl in enumerate(s.shape)): continue skip = False for tag in {'ResolutionUnit', 'XResolution', 'YResolution'}: if (tag in page.tags) != (tag in s.pages[0].tags) or ( tag in page.tags and page.tags[tag].value != s.pages[0].tags[tag].value): skip = True if skip: continue if (s.shape[s.axes.index('X')] < min(self.sizeX, self._minImageSize) and s.shape[s.axes.index('Y')] < min(self.sizeY, self._minImageSize)): continue self._series.append(idx) self._seriesShape.append({ 'sizeX': s.shape[s.axes.index('X')], 'sizeY': s.shape[s.axes.index('Y')]}) self.sizeX = max(self.sizeX, s.shape[s.axes.index('X')]) self.sizeY = max(self.sizeY, s.shape[s.axes.index('Y')]) self._framecount = len(self._series) * 1 if base.axes[sidx] in 'YXS' else v for sidx, v in enumerate(base.shape))) self._basis = {} basis = 1 if 'C' in base.axes: self._basis['C'] = (1, base.axes.index('C'), base.shape[base.axes.index('C')]) basis *= base.shape[base.axes.index('C')] for axis in base.axes[::-1]: if axis in 'CYXS': continue self._basis[axis] = (basis, base.axes.index(axis), base.shape[base.axes.index(axis)]) basis *= base.shape[base.axes.index(axis)] if len(self._series) > 1: self._basis['P'] = (basis, -1, len(self._series)) self._zarrlock = threading.RLock() self._zarrcache = {} def _findAssociatedImages(self): """ Find associated images from unused pages and series. """ pagesInSeries = [p for s in self._tf.series for ll in s.pages.levels for p in ll.pages] hashes = [p.hash for p in pagesInSeries if getattr(p, 'keyframe', None) is not None] self._associatedImages = {} for p in self._tf.pages: if (p not in pagesInSeries and getattr(p, 'keyframe', None) is not None and p.hash not in hashes and not len(set(p.axes) - set('YXS'))): try: id = 'image_%s' % p.index entry = {'page': p.index} entry['width'] = p.shape[p.axes.index('X')] entry['height'] = p.shape[p.axes.index('Y')] if (id not in self._associatedImages and max(entry['width'], entry['height']) <= self._maxAssociatedImageSize and max(entry['width'], entry['height']) >= self._minAssociatedImageSize): self._associatedImages[id] = entry except Exception: pass for sidx, s in enumerate(self._tf.series): if sidx not in self._series and not len(set(s.axes) - set('YXS')): id = 'series_%d' % sidx if and not in self._associatedImages: id = entry = {'series': sidx} entry['width'] = s.shape[s.axes.index('X')] entry['height'] = s.shape[s.axes.index('Y')] if (id not in self._associatedImages and max(entry['width'], entry['height']) <= self._maxAssociatedImageSize and max(entry['width'], entry['height']) >= self._minAssociatedImageSize): self._associatedImages[id] = entry def _handle_imagej(self): try: ijm = self._tf.pages[0].tags['IJMetadata'].value if (ijm['Labels'] and len(ijm['Labels']) == self._framecount and not getattr(self, '_channels', None)): self._channels = ijm['Labels'] except Exception: pass def _handle_scn(self): # noqa """ For SCN files, parse the xml and possibly adjust how associated images are labelled. """ import xml.etree.ElementTree import large_image.tilesource.utilities root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(self._tf.pages[0].description) self._xml = large_image.tilesource.utilities.etreeToDict(root) for collection in et_findall(root, 'collection'): sizeX = collection.attrib.get('sizeX') sizeY = collection.attrib.get('sizeY') for supplementalImage in et_findall(collection, 'supplementalImage'): name = supplementalImage.attrib.get('type', '').lower() ifd = supplementalImage.attrib.get('ifd', '') oldname = 'image_%s' % ifd if (name and ifd and oldname in self._associatedImages and name not in self._associatedImages): self._associatedImages[name] = self._associatedImages[oldname] self._associatedImages.pop(oldname, None) for image in et_findall(collection, 'image'): name = image.attrib.get('name', 'Unknown') for view in et_findall(image, 'view'): if (sizeX and view.attrib.get('sizeX') == sizeX and sizeY and view.attrib.get('sizeY') == sizeY and not int(view.attrib.get('offsetX')) and not int(view.attrib.get('offsetY')) and name.lower() in self._associatedImages and 'macro' not in self._associatedImages): self._associatedImages['macro'] = self._associatedImages[name.lower()] self._associatedImages.pop(name.lower(), None) if name != continue for scanSettings in et_findall(image, 'scanSettings'): for objectiveSettings in et_findall(scanSettings, 'objectiveSettings'): for objective in et_findall(objectiveSettings, 'objective'): if not hasattr(self, '_magnification') and float(objective.text) > 0: self._magnification = float(objective.text) for channelSettings in et_findall(scanSettings, 'channelSettings'): channels = {} for channel in et_findall(channelSettings, 'channel'): channels[int(channel.attrib.get('index', 0))] = ( large_image.tilesource.utilities.etreeToDict(channel)['channel']) self._channelInfo = channels try: self._channels = [ channels.get(idx)['name'].split('|')[0] for idx in range(len(channels))] except Exception: pass def _handle_svs(self): """ For SVS files, parse the magnification and pixel size. """ try: meta = self._tf.pages[0].description self._magnification = float(meta.split('AppMag = ')[1].split('|')[0].strip()) self._mm_x = self._mm_y = float( meta.split('|MPP = ', 1)[1].split('|')[0].strip()) * 0.001 except Exception: pass def _handle_ome(self): """ For OME Tiff, if we didn't parse the mangification elsewhere, try to parse it here. """ import xml.etree.ElementTree import large_image.tilesource.utilities _omeUnitsToMeters = { 'Ym': 1e24, 'Zm': 1e21, 'Em': 1e18, 'Pm': 1e15, 'Tm': 1e12, 'Gm': 1e9, 'Mm': 1e6, 'km': 1e3, 'hm': 1e2, 'dam': 1e1, 'm': 1, 'dm': 1e-1, 'cm': 1e-2, 'mm': 1e-3, '\u00b5m': 1e-6, 'nm': 1e-9, 'pm': 1e-12, 'fm': 1e-15, 'am': 1e-18, 'zm': 1e-21, 'ym': 1e-24, '\u00c5': 1e-10, } try: root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(self._tf.pages[0].description) self._xml = large_image.tilesource.utilities.etreeToDict(root) except Exception: return try: try: base = self._xml['OME']['Image'][0]['Pixels'] except Exception: base = self._xml['OME']['Image']['Pixels'] if self._mm_x is None and 'PhysicalSizeX' in base: self._mm_x = ( float(base['PhysicalSizeX']) * 1e3 * _omeUnitsToMeters[base.get('PhysicalSizeXUnit', '\u00b5m')]) if self._mm_y is None and 'PhysicalSizeY' in base: self._mm_y = ( float(base['PhysicalSizeY']) * 1e3 * _omeUnitsToMeters[base.get('PhysicalSizeYUnit', '\u00b5m')]) self._mm_x = self._mm_x or self._mm_y self._mm_y = self._mm_y or self._mm_x except Exception: pass
[docs] def getNativeMagnification(self): """ Get the magnification at a particular level. :return: magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm. """ mm_x = self._mm_x mm_y = self._mm_y # Estimate the magnification; we don't have a direct value mag = 0.01 / mm_x if mm_x else None return { 'magnification': getattr(self, '_magnification', mag), 'mm_x': mm_x, 'mm_y': mm_y, }
[docs] def getMetadata(self): """ Return a dictionary of metadata containing levels, sizeX, sizeY, tileWidth, tileHeight, magnification, mm_x, mm_y, and frames. :returns: metadata dictionary. """ result = super().getMetadata() if self._framecount > 1: result['frames'] = frames = [] for idx in range(self._framecount): frame = {'Frame': idx} for axis, (basis, _pos, count) in self._basis.items(): if axis != 'I': frame['Index' + (axis.upper() if axis.upper() != 'P' else 'XY')] = ( idx // basis) % count frames.append(frame) self._addMetadataFrameInformation(result, getattr(self, '_channels', None)) if any(v != self._seriesShape[0] for v in self._seriesShape): result['SizesXY'] = self._seriesShape return result
[docs] def getInternalMetadata(self, **kwargs): """ Return additional known metadata about the tile source. Data returned from this method is not guaranteed to be in any particular format or have specific values. :returns: a dictionary of data or None. """ result = {} pages = [s.pages[0] for s in self._tf.series] pagesInSeries = [p for s in self._tf.series for ll in s.pages.levels for p in ll.pages] pages.extend([page for page in self._tf.pages if page not in pagesInSeries]) for page in pages: for tag in getattr(page, 'tags', []): if (tag.dtype_name == 'ASCII' or ( tag.dtype_name == 'BYTE' and isinstance(tag.value, dict))) and tag.value: key = basekey = suffix = 0 while key in result: if result[key] == tag.value: break suffix += 1 key = '%s_%d' % (basekey, suffix) result[key] = tag.value if isinstance(result[key], dict): result[key] = result[key].copy() for subkey in list(result[key]): try: json.dumps(result[key][subkey]) except Exception: del result[key][subkey] if hasattr(self, '_xml') and 'xml' not in result: result.pop('ImageDescription', None) result['xml'] = self._xml if hasattr(self, '_channelInfo'): result['channelInfo'] = self._channelInfo result['tifffileKind'] = self._baseSeries.kind return result
[docs] def getAssociatedImagesList(self): """ Get a list of all associated images. :return: the list of image keys. """ return sorted(self._associatedImages)
def _getAssociatedImage(self, imageKey): """ Get an associated image in PIL format. :param imageKey: the key of the associated image. :return: the image in PIL format or None. """ if imageKey in self._associatedImages: entry = self._associatedImages[imageKey] if 'page' in entry: source = self._tf.pages[entry['page']] else: source = self._tf.series[entry['series']] image = source.asarray() axes = source.axes if axes not in {'YXS', 'YX'}: # rotate axes to YXS or YX image = np.moveaxis(image, [ source.axes.index(a) for a in 'YXS' if a in source.axes ], range(len(source.axes))) return large_image.tilesource.base._imageToPIL(image) def _nonemptyLevelsList(self, frame=0): """ Return a list of one value per level where the value is None if the level does not exist in the file and any other value if it does. :param frame: the frame number. :returns: a list of levels length. """ if frame is None: frame = 0 if hasattr(self, '_nonempty_levels_list') and frame in self._nonempty_levels_list: return self._nonempty_levels_list[frame] if len(self._series) > 1: sidx = frame // self._basis['P'][0] else: sidx = 0 nonempty = [None] * self.levels nonempty[self.levels - 1] = True series = self._tf.series[self._series[sidx]] za, hasgbs = self._getZarrArray(series, sidx) xidx = series.axes.index('X') yidx = series.axes.index('Y') for ll in range(1, len(series.levels)): scale = round(math.log(max(za[0].shape[xidx] / za[ll].shape[xidx], za[0].shape[yidx] / za[ll].shape[yidx])) / math.log(2)) if 0 < scale < self.levels: nonempty[self.levels - 1 - int(scale)] = True if not hasattr(self, '_nonempty_levels_list'): self._nonempty_levels_list = {} self._nonempty_levels_list[frame] = nonempty return nonempty
[docs] def getPreferredLevel(self, level): """ Given a desired level (0 is minimum resolution, self.levels - 1 is max resolution), return the level that contains actual data that is no lower resolution. :param level: desired level :returns level: a level with actual data that is no lower resolution. """ return max(0, min(level, self.levels - 1))
def _getZarrArray(self, series, sidx): with self._zarrlock: if sidx not in self._zarrcache: if len(self._zarrcache) > 10: self._zarrcache = {} za =, mode='r') hasgbs = hasattr(za[0], 'get_basic_selection') if not hasgbs and < 256 * 1024 ** 2: za = series.asarray() self._zarrcache[sidx] = (za, hasgbs) za, hasgbs = self._zarrcache[sidx] return za, hasgbs
[docs] @methodcache() def getTile(self, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False, **kwargs): frame = self._getFrame(**kwargs) self._xyzInRange(x, y, z, frame, self._framecount) x0, y0, x1, y1, step = self._xyzToCorners(x, y, z) if len(self._series) > 1: sidx = frame // self._basis['P'][0] else: sidx = 0 series = self._tf.series[self._series[sidx]] za, hasgbs = self._getZarrArray(series, sidx) xidx = series.axes.index('X') yidx = series.axes.index('Y') if hasgbs: bza = za[0] # we could cache this for ll in range(len(series.levels) - 1, 0, -1): scale = round(max(za[0].shape[xidx] / za[ll].shape[xidx], za[0].shape[yidx] / za[ll].shape[yidx])) if scale <= step and step // scale == step / scale: bza = za[ll] x0 //= scale x1 //= scale y0 //= scale y1 //= scale step //= scale break else: bza = za if step > 2 ** self._maxSkippedLevels: tile, _format = self._getTileFromEmptyLevel(x, y, z, **kwargs) tile = large_image.tilesource.base._imageToNumpy(tile)[0] else: sel = [] baxis = '' for aidx, axis in enumerate(series.axes): if axis == 'X': sel.append(slice(x0, x1, step)) baxis += 'X' elif axis == 'Y': sel.append(slice(y0, y1, step)) baxis += 'Y' elif axis == 'S': sel.append(slice(series.shape[aidx])) baxis += 'S' else: sel.append((frame // self._basis[axis][0]) % self._basis[axis][2]) tile = bza[tuple(sel)] # rotate if baxis not in {'YXS', 'YX'}: tile = np.moveaxis( tile, [baxis.index(a) for a in 'YXS' if a in baxis], range(len(baxis))) return self._outputTile(tile, TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed, numpyAllowed, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def addKnownExtensions(cls): if not hasattr(cls, '_addedExtensions'): _lazyImport() cls._addedExtensions = True cls.extensions = cls.extensions.copy() for ext in tifffile.TIFF.FILE_EXTENSIONS: if ext not in cls.extensions: cls.extensions[ext] = SourcePriority.IMPLICIT
[docs] def open(*args, **kwargs): """ Create an instance of the module class. """ return TifffileFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def canRead(*args, **kwargs): """ Check if an input can be read by the module class. """ return TifffileFileTileSource.canRead(*args, **kwargs)