Image Formats
Preferred Extensions and Mime Types
Images can generally be read regardless of their name. By default, when opening an image with
, each tile source reader is tried in turn until one source can open the file. Each source lists preferred file extensions and mime types with a priority level. If the file ends with one of these extensions or has one of these mimetypes, the order that the source readers are tried is adjusted based on the specified priority.
The file extensions and mime types that are listed by the core sources that can affect source processing order are listed below. See large_image.listSources()
for details about priority of the different sources and the large_image.constants.SourcePriority
for the priority meaning.
The following table describes the some of the formats supported by large-image
and the common extensions for each format. This table also describes the large-image-source-*
modules that can be used to read each format.
For a list of known mime types, see Mime Types (43). For a list of known extensions, see Extensions (435). To view extensions and mime types for each tilesource, see Extensions & Mimetypes by Tilesource.
Format |
Extension(s) |
Tile Source |
Multiframe |
Geospatial |
Writeable |
Associated Images |
Example File |
tiff, tifffile |
True |
False |
False |
True |
openslide |
False |
False |
False |
True |
vips |
True |
False |
True |
False |
pil |
True |
False |
False |
False |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
False |
True |
False |
False |
openslide |
False |
False |
False |
True |
tiff, tifffile, bioformats |
Unknown |
False |
False |
True |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
Unknown |
True |
False |
False |
ometiff |
True |
False |
False |
True |
vips |
True |
False |
True |
False |
pil |
True |
False |
False |
False |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
False |
True |
False |
False |
zarr |
True |
False |
True |
True |
zarr |
True |
False |
True |
True |
nd2 |
True |
False |
False |
False |
bioformats |
True |
False |
False |
True |
bioformats |
True |
False |
False |
True |
bioformats |
True |
False |
False |
True |
pil |
True |
False |
False |
False |
pil |
Unknown |
False |
False |
False |
vips |
Unknown |
False |
True |
False |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
Unknown |
True |
False |
False |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
Unknown |
True |
False |
False |
openjpeg |
False |
False |
False |
True |
vips |
Unknown |
False |
True |
False |
pil |
Unknown |
False |
False |
False |
bioformats |
Unknown |
False |
False |
True |
vips |
True |
False |
True |
False |
pil |
True |
False |
False |
False |
bioformats |
True |
False |
False |
True |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
False |
True |
False |
False |
pil |
Unknown |
False |
False |
False |
bioformats |
Unknown |
False |
False |
True |
gdal, rasterio, mapnik |
Unknown |
True |
False |
False |
Mime Types (43)
, application/json
, application/pdf
, application/postscript
, application/vnd+zarr
, application/x-zarr
, application/yaml
, application/zip+zarr
, image/avif
, image/bmp
, image/czi
, image/geotiff
, image/gif
, image/heic
, image/heif
, image/icns
, image/j2c
, image/jls
, image/jp2
, image/jpeg
, image/jpx
, image/jxl
, image/mirax
, image/mpo
, image/nd2
, image/palm
, image/png
, image/scn
, image/sgi
, image/tiff
, image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
, image/vsi
, image/webp
, image/x-icon
, image/x-pcx
, image/x-portable-anymap
, image/x-ptif
, image/x-tga
, image/x-tiff
, image/xbm
, image/xpm
, text/yaml
, video/mpeg
Extensions (435)
, 1sc
, 2fl
, ace2
, acff
, adf
, afi
, afm
, aim
, al3d
, ali
, am
, amiramesh
, apl
, apng
, arc
, arf
, asc
, aux
, avi
, avif
, avs
, b
, bag
, bif
, bil
, bin
, bip
, blp
, blx
, bmp
, bt
, btf
, bufr
, bw
, byn
, c01
, cal
, cfg
, ch5
, cif
, columbusidx
, cr2
, crw
, csv
, ct1
, cub
, cur
, cxd
, czi
, dat
, db
, dbf
, dcimg
, dcm
, dcx
, dds
, dem
, demtif
, df3
, dgn
, dib
, dic
, dicom
, dim
, dm2
, dm3
, dm4
, doq
, dt0
, dt1
, dt2
, dti
, dv
, dv_vol
, dwg
, dxf
, dz
, dzc
, dzi
, e00
, eer
, emf
, eps
, epsi
, err
, ers
, ets
, exp
, exr
, fdf
, fff
, ffr
, fgb
, fid
, fit
, fits
, flc
, flex
, fli
, flt
, frm
, fst
, ftc
, ftu
, gbr
, gdb
, gdbtable
, gel
, gen
, geojson
, geojsonl
, geojsons
, geotiff
, gff
, gif
, gml
, gmt
, gpkg
, gpx
, grb
, grb2
, grc
, grd
, grey
, grib
, grib2
, gsb
, gsc
, gta
, gti
, gti.fgb
, gti.gpkg
, gtx
, gvb
, gxf
, h3
, h5
, hdf
, hdf5
, hdr
, hdr.gz
, hed
, heic
, heics
, heif
, heifs
, hf2
, hgt
, hif
, his
, htd
, html
, hx
, i2i
, icb
, icns
, ico
, ics
, idf
, ids
, igc
, iim
, ili
, im
, im3
, img
, img.gz
, ims
, inf
, ini
, inr
, ipl
, ipm
, ipw
, isg
, itf
, j2c
, j2k
, jfif
, jls
, jml
, jp2
, jpc
, jpe
, jpeg
, jpf
, jpg
, jpk
, jpls
, jpt
, jpx
, json
, jxl
, kap
, kea
, klb
, kml
, kmz
, kro
, l2d
, labels
, lan
, lbl
, lcp
, lei
, lif
, lifext
, liff
, lim
, lms
, lof
, los
, lrc
, lsm
, map
, mapml
, mat
, mbtiles
, mdb
, mea
, mem
, mid
, mif
, mint.bin
, mnc
, mng
, mod
, mov
, mpeg
, mpg
, mpl
, mpo
, mpr
, mps
, mrc
, mrcs
, mrf
, mrw
, mrxs
, msp
, msr
, mtb
, mtw
, mvd2
, mvt
, mvt.gz
, n1
, naf
, nat
, nc
, nd
, nd2
, ndpi
, ndpis
, nef
, nhdr
, nia
, nia.gz
, nii
, nii.gz
, nitf
, nrrd
, nsf
, ntf
, nws
, obf
, obsep
, ods
, oib
, oif
, oir
, ome
, ome.btf
, ome.tf2
, ome.tf8
, ome.tif
, ome.tiff
, ome.xml
, omp2info
, on2
, on9
, osm
, osm.pbf
, palm
, par
, pbf
, pbm
, pcd
, pcoraw
, pcx
, pdf
, pds
, pfm
, pgm
, pic
, pict
, pix
, pjg
, pmtiles
, png
, png.ovr
, pnl
, pnm
, pnt
, pol
, ppg
, ppi
, ppm
, pr3
, prf
, prj
, ps
, psd
, psv
, ptf
, ptif
, ptiff
, pxr
, qoi
, qpi
, qptiff
, r3d
, ras
, rasterlite
, raw
, rcpnl
, rda
, rdb
, rec
, res
, rgb
, rgba
, rik
, rl2
, rst
, rsw
, scn
, sdat
, sdt
, seq
, sg-grd-z
, sgi
, shp
, shx
, shz
, sid
, sif
, sigdem
, sld
, sldy
, sm2
, sm3
, sos
, spc
, spe
, spi
, sql
, sqlite
, st
, stk
, stp
, svs
, svslide
, sxf
, sxm
, szi
, tab
, tc
, tcx
, ter
, tf2
, tf8
, tfr
, tga
, thf
, tif
, tif.grd
, tiff
, til
, tnb
, toc
, top
, topojson
, tpkx
, tsv
, txt
, v
, vct
, vda
, vff
, vfk
, vic
, vips
, vms
, vmu
, vrt
, vsi
, vst
, vws
, wat
, webp
, wlz
, wmf
, wpi
, x10
, xbm
, xdce
, xlb
, xlef
, xls
, xlsm
, xlsx
, xml
, xodr
, xpm
, xqd
, xqf
, xtf
, xv
, xys
, xyz
, yaml
, yml
, zarr
, zarray
, zattrs
, zfp
, zfr
, zgroup
, zif
, zip
, zvi
Extensions & Mimetypes by Tilesource
Tile Source |
Extension(s) |
Mime Type(s) |
tiff |
pil |
openslide |
openjpeg |
gdal |
deepzoom |
vips |
rasterio |
ometiff |
mapnik |
zarr |
multi |
dicom |
tifffile |
bioformats |
nd2 |