large_image_source_tifffile package


large_image_source_tifffile.girder_source module

class large_image_source_tifffile.girder_source.TifffileGirderTileSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: TifffileFileTileSource, GirderTileSource

Provides tile access to Girder items with files that tifffile can read.

Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters.


path – a filesystem path for the tile source.

cacheName = 'tilesource'
levels: int
name = 'tifffile'
sizeX: int
sizeY: int
tileHeight: int
tileWidth: int

Module contents

class large_image_source_tifffile.TifffileFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FileTileSource

Provides tile access to files that the tifffile library can read.

Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters.


path – a filesystem path for the tile source.

classmethod addKnownExtensions()[source]
cacheName = 'tilesource'
extensions: Dict[str | None, SourcePriority] = {'ome': SourcePriority.HIGHER, 'scn': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, 'tif': SourcePriority.LOW, 'tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, None: SourcePriority.LOW}

Get a list of all associated images.


the list of image keys.


Return additional known metadata about the tile source. Data returned from this method is not guaranteed to be in any particular format or have specific values.


a dictionary of data or None.


Return a dictionary of metadata containing levels, sizeX, sizeY, tileWidth, tileHeight, magnification, mm_x, mm_y, and frames.


metadata dictionary.


Get the magnification at a particular level.


magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm.


Given a desired level (0 is minimum resolution, self.levels - 1 is max resolution), return the level that contains actual data that is no lower resolution.


level – desired level

Returns level:

a level with actual data that is no lower resolution.

getTile(x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False, **kwargs)[source]

Get a tile from a tile source, returning it as an binary image, a PIL image, or a numpy array.

  • x – the 0-based x position of the tile on the specified z level. 0 is left.

  • y – the 0-based y position of the tile on the specified z level. 0 is top.

  • z – the z level of the tile. May range from [0, self.levels], where 0 is the lowest resolution, single tile for the whole source.

  • pilImageAllowed – True if a PIL image may be returned.

  • numpyAllowed – True if a numpy image may be returned. ‘always’ to return a numpy array.

  • sparseFallback – if False and a tile doesn’t exist, raise an error. If True, check if a lower resolution tile exists, and, if so, interpolate the needed data for this tile.

  • frame – the frame number within the tile source. None is the same as 0 for multi-frame sources.


either a numpy array, a PIL image, or a memory object with an image file.

mimeTypes: Dict[str | None, SourcePriority] = {'image/scn': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, 'image/tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, 'image/x-tiff': SourcePriority.LOW, None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK}
name = 'tifffile'
large_image_source_tifffile.canRead(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Check if an input can be read by the module class.

class large_image_source_tifffile.checkForMissingDataHandler(level=0)[source]

Bases: Handler

Initializes the instance - basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty.


Do whatever it takes to actually log the specified logging record.

This version is intended to be implemented by subclasses and so raises a NotImplementedError.

large_image_source_tifffile.et_findall(tag, text)[source]

Find all the child tags in an element tree that end with a specific string.

  • tag – the tag to search.

  • text – the text to end with.


a list of tags.*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create an instance of the module class.