# Copyright Kitware Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as _importlib_version
import mapnik
import PIL.Image
from large_image_source_gdal import GDALFileTileSource
from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst
from large_image.cache_util import LruCacheMetaclass, methodcache
from large_image.constants import TILE_FORMAT_PIL, SourcePriority
from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceError
from large_image.tilesource.utilities import JSONDict
__version__ = _importlib_version(__name__)
except PackageNotFoundError:
# package is not installed
class MapnikFileTileSource(GDALFileTileSource, metaclass=LruCacheMetaclass):
Provides tile access to geospatial files.
cacheName = 'tilesource'
name = 'mapnik'
extensions = {
None: SourcePriority.LOW,
'nc': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, # netcdf
# National Imagery Transmission Format
'ntf': SourcePriority.HIGHER,
'nitf': SourcePriority.HIGHER,
'tif': SourcePriority.LOWER,
'tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER,
'vrt': SourcePriority.HIGHER,
mimeTypes = {
None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK,
'image/geotiff': SourcePriority.HIGHER,
'image/tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER,
'image/x-tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER,
def __init__(self, path, projection=None, unitsPerPixel=None, **kwargs):
Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available
:param path: a filesystem path for the tile source.
:param projection: None to use pixel space, otherwise a proj4
projection string or a case-insensitive string of the form
'EPSG:<epsg number>'. If a string and case-insensitively prefixed
with 'proj4:', that prefix is removed. For instance,
'proj4:EPSG:3857', 'PROJ4:+init=epsg:3857', and '+init=epsg:3857',
and 'EPSG:3857' are all equivalent.
:param style: if None, use the default style for the file. Otherwise,
this is a string with a json-encoded dictionary. The style is
ignored if it does not contain 'band' or 'bands'. In addition to
the base class parameters, the style can also contain the following
scheme: one of the mapnik.COLORIZER_xxx values. Case
insensitive. Possible values are at least 'discrete',
'linear', and 'exact'. This defaults to 'linear'.
composite: this is a string containing one of the mapnik
CompositeOp properties. It defaults to 'lighten'.
:param unitsPerPixel: The size of a pixel at the 0 tile size. Ignored
if the projection is None. For projections, None uses the default,
which is the distance between (-180,0) and (180,0) in EPSG:4326
converted to the projection divided by the tile size. Proj4
projections that are not latlong (is_geographic is False) must
specify unitsPerPixel.
if projection and projection.lower().startswith('epsg'):
projection = projection.lower()
path, projection=projection, unitsPerPixel=unitsPerPixel, **kwargs)
if self.dataset.GetDriver().ShortName in {'MBTiles', 'Rasterlite', 'SQLite'}:
msg = 'File will not be opened via mapbox'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self.logger.debug('mapnik source using the GDAL %s driver',
def _openVectorSource(self, ds):
msg = 'File will not be opened via mapnik'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
def _checkNetCDF(self):
Check if this file is a netCDF file. If so, get some metadata about
available datasets.
This assumes things about the projection that may not be true for all
netCDF files. It could also be extended to get better data about
time bounds and other series data and to prevent selecting subdatasets
that are not spatially appropriate.
if self._getDriver() != 'netCDF':
return False
datasets = {}
with self._getDatasetLock:
for name, desc in self.dataset.GetSubDatasets():
parts = desc.split(None, 2)
dataset = {
'name': name,
'desc': desc,
'dim': [int(val) for val in parts[0].strip('[]').split('x')],
'key': parts[1],
'format': parts[2],
dataset['values'] = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, dataset['dim'])
datasets[dataset['key']] = dataset
if not len(datasets) and (not self.dataset.RasterCount or self.dataset.GetProjection()):
return False
self._netcdf = {
'datasets': datasets,
'metadata': self.dataset.GetMetadata_Dict(),
if not len(datasets):
except RuntimeError:
del self._netcdf
return False
with self._getDatasetLock:
if not self.dataset.RasterCount:
self._netcdf['default'] = sorted([(
not ds['key'].endswith('_bnds'),
'character' not in ds['format'],
ds['key']) for ds in datasets.values()])[-1][-1]
# The base netCDF file reports different dimensions than the
# subdatasets. For now, use the "best" subdataset's dimensions
dataset = self._netcdf['datasets'][self._netcdf['default']]
dataset['dataset'] = gdal.Open(dataset['name'], gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
self.sourceSizeX = self.sizeX = dataset['dataset'].RasterXSize
self.sourceSizeY = self.sizeY = dataset['dataset'].RasterYSize
self.dataset = dataset['dataset'] # use for projection information
if not hasattr(self, '_style'):
self._style = JSONDict({
'band': self._netcdf['default'] + ':1' if self._netcdf.get('default') else 1,
'scheme': 'linear',
'palette': ['#000000', '#ffffff'],
'min': 'min',
'max': 'max',
return True
def _setDefaultStyle(self):
"""Don't inherit from GDAL tilesource."""
with self._getTileLock:
if hasattr(self, '_mapnikMap'):
del self._mapnikMap
def interpolateMinMax(start, stop, count):
Returns interpolated values for a given
start, stop and count
:returns: List of interpolated values
step = (float(stop) - float(start)) / (float(count) - 1)
except ValueError:
msg = 'Minimum and maximum values should be numbers, "auto", "min", or "max".'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
return [float(start + i * step) for i in range(count)]
def _colorizerFromStyle(self, style):
Add a specified style to a mapnik raster symbolizer.
:param style: a style object.
:returns: a mapnik raster colorizer.
scheme = style.get('scheme', 'linear')
mapnik_scheme = getattr(mapnik, f'COLORIZER_{scheme.upper()}')
except AttributeError:
mapnik_scheme = mapnik.COLORIZER_DISCRETE
msg = 'Scheme has to be either "discrete" or "linear".'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik_scheme, mapnik.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
bandInfo = self.getOneBandInformation(style['band'])
minimum = style.get('min', 0)
maximum = style.get('max', 255)
minimum = bandInfo[minimum] if minimum in ('min', 'max') else minimum
maximum = bandInfo[maximum] if maximum in ('min', 'max') else maximum
if minimum == 'auto':
if not (0 <= bandInfo['min'] <= 255 and 1 <= bandInfo['max'] <= 255):
minimum = bandInfo['min']
minimum = 0
if maximum == 'auto':
if not (0 <= bandInfo['min'] <= 255 and 1 <= bandInfo['max'] <= 255):
maximum = bandInfo['max']
maximum = 255
if style.get('palette') == 'colortable':
for value, color in enumerate(bandInfo['colortable']):
colorizer.add_stop(value, mapnik.Color(*color))
colors = self.getHexColors(style.get('palette', ['#000000', '#ffffff']))
if len(colors) < 2:
msg = 'A palette must have at least 2 colors.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
values = self.interpolateMinMax(minimum, maximum, len(colors))
for value, color in sorted(zip(values, colors)):
colorizer.add_stop(value, mapnik.Color(color))
return colorizer
def _addStyleToMap(self, m, layerSrs, colorizer=None, band=-1, extent=None,
composite=None, nodata=None):
Add a mapik raster symbolizer to a map.
:param m: mapnik map.
:param layerSrs: the layer projection
:param colorizer: a mapnik colorizer.
:param band: an integer band number. -1 for default.
:param extent: the extent to use for the mapnik layer.
:param composite: the composite operation to use. This is one of
mapnik.CompositeOp.xxx, typically lighten or multiply.
:param nodata: the value to use for missing data or None to use all
styleName = 'Raster Style'
if band != -1:
styleName += ' ' + str(band)
rule = mapnik.Rule()
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
if colorizer is not None:
sym.colorizer = colorizer
getattr(rule, 'symbols', getattr(rule, 'symbolizers', None)).append(sym)
style = mapnik.Style()
if composite is not None:
style.comp_op = composite
m.append_style(styleName, style)
lyr = mapnik.Layer('layer')
lyr.srs = layerSrs
gdalpath = self._largeImagePath
gdalband = band
if hasattr(self, '_netcdf') and isinstance(band, tuple):
gdalband = band[1]
gdalpath = self._netcdf['datasets'][band[0]]['name']
params = dict(base=None, file=gdalpath, band=gdalband, extent=extent, nodata=nodata)
params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None}
lyr.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(**params)
def addStyle(self, m, layerSrs, extent=None):
Attaches raster style option to mapnik raster layer and adds the layer
to the mapnik map.
:param m: mapnik map.
:param layerSrs: the layer projection
:param extent: the extent to use for the mapnik layer.
style = self._styleBands()
bands = self.getBandInformation()
if not len(style):
style.append({'band': -1})
'mapnik addTile specified style: %r, used style %r',
getattr(self, 'style', None), style)
for styleBand in style:
if styleBand['band'] != -1:
colorizer = self._colorizerFromStyle(styleBand)
composite = getattr(mapnik.CompositeOp, styleBand.get(
'composite', 'multiply' if styleBand['band'] == 'alpha' else 'lighten'))
nodata = styleBand.get('nodata')
if nodata == 'auto':
nodata = bands.get('nodata')
colorizer = None
composite = None
nodata = None
m, layerSrs, colorizer, styleBand['band'], extent, composite, nodata)
def getTile(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): # noqa
if self.projection:
mapSrs = self.projection
layerSrs = self.getProj4String()
extent = None
overscan = 0
if not hasattr(self, '_repeatLongitude'):
# If the original dataset is in a latitude/longitude
# projection, and does cover more than 360 degrees in longitude
# (with some slop), and is outside of the bounds of
# [-180, 180], we want to render it twice, once at the
# specified longitude and once offset to ensure that we cover
# [-180, 180]. This is done by altering the projection's
# prime meridian by 360 degrees. If none of the dataset is in
# the range of [-180, 180], this doesn't apply the shift
# either.
self._repeatLongitude = None
if self._proj4Proj(layerSrs).crs.is_geographic:
bounds = self.getBounds()
if bounds['xmax'] - bounds['xmin'] < 361:
if bounds['xmin'] < -180 and bounds['xmax'] > -180:
self._repeatLongitude = layerSrs + ' +pm=+360'
elif bounds['xmax'] > 180 and bounds['xmin'] < 180:
self._repeatLongitude = layerSrs + ' +pm=-360'
mapSrs = '+proj=longlat +axis=enu'
layerSrs = '+proj=longlat +axis=enu'
# There appears to be a bug in some versions of mapnik/gdal when
# requesting a tile with a bounding box that has a corner exactly
# at (0, extentMaxY), so make a slightly larger image and crop it.
extent = '0 0 %d %d' % (self.sourceSizeX, self.sourceSizeY)
overscan = 1
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.getTileCorners(z, x, y)
if self.projection:
# If we are using a projection, the tile could contain no data.
# Don't bother having mapnik render the blank tile -- just output
# it.
bounds = self.getBounds(self.projection)
if (xmin >= bounds['xmax'] or xmax <= bounds['xmin'] or
ymin >= bounds['ymax'] or ymax <= bounds['ymin']):
pilimg = PIL.Image.new('RGBA', (self.tileWidth, self.tileHeight))
return self._outputTile(
pilimg, TILE_FORMAT_PIL, x, y, z, applyStyle=False, **kwargs)
if overscan:
pw = (xmax - xmin) / self.tileWidth
py = (ymax - ymin) / self.tileHeight
xmin, xmax = xmin - pw * overscan, xmax + pw * overscan
ymin, ymax = ymin - py * overscan, ymax + py * overscan
with self._getTileLock:
if not hasattr(self, '_mapnikMap'):
m = mapnik.Map(
self.tileWidth + overscan * 2,
self.tileHeight + overscan * 2,
self.addStyle(m, layerSrs, extent)
if getattr(self, '_repeatLongitude', None):
self.addStyle(m, self._repeatLongitude, extent)
self._mapnikMap = m
m = self._mapnikMap
m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
img = mapnik.Image(self.tileWidth + overscan * 2, self.tileHeight + overscan * 2)
mapnik.render(m, img)
pilimg = PIL.Image.frombytes(
'RGBA', (img.width(), img.height()),
getattr(img, 'tostring', getattr(img, 'to_string', None))())
except Exception:
self.logger.exception('Failed to getTile')
pilimg = PIL.Image.new('RGBA', (1, 1))
if overscan:
pilimg = pilimg.crop((1, 1, max(1, pilimg.width - overscan),
max(1, pilimg.height - overscan)))
return self._outputTile(pilimg, TILE_FORMAT_PIL, x, y, z, applyStyle=False, **kwargs)
def open(*args, **kwargs):
Create an instance of the module class.
return MapnikFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)
def canRead(*args, **kwargs):
Check if an input can be read by the module class.
return MapnikFileTileSource.canRead(*args, **kwargs)