large_image_source_mapnik package🔗


large_image_source_mapnik.girder_source module🔗

class large_image_source_mapnik.girder_source.MapnikGirderTileSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]🔗

Bases: MapnikFileTileSource, GDALGirderTileSource

Provides tile access to Girder items for mapnik layers.

Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters.

  • path – a filesystem path for the tile source.

  • projection – None to use pixel space, otherwise a proj4 projection string or a case-insensitive string of the form ‘EPSG:<epsg number>’. If a string and case-insensitively prefixed with ‘proj4:’, that prefix is removed. For instance, ‘proj4:EPSG:3857’, ‘PROJ4:+init=epsg:3857’, and ‘+init=epsg:3857’, and ‘EPSG:3857’ are all equivalent.

  • style

    if None, use the default style for the file. Otherwise, this is a string with a json-encoded dictionary. The style is ignored if it does not contain ‘band’ or ‘bands’. In addition to the base class parameters, the style can also contain the following keys:

    scheme: one of the mapnik.COLORIZER_xxx values. Case

    insensitive. Possible values are at least ‘discrete’, ‘linear’, and ‘exact’. This defaults to ‘linear’.

    composite: this is a string containing one of the mapnik

    CompositeOp properties. It defaults to ‘lighten’.

  • unitsPerPixel – The size of a pixel at the 0 tile size. Ignored if the projection is None. For projections, None uses the default, which is the distance between (-180,0) and (180,0) in EPSG:4326 converted to the projection divided by the tile size. Proj4 projections that are not latlong (is_geographic is False) must specify unitsPerPixel.

cacheName = 'tilesource'🔗
levels: int🔗
name = 'mapnik'🔗
projection: str | bytes🔗
projectionOrigin: Tuple[float, float]🔗
sizeX: int🔗
sizeY: int🔗
sourceLevels: int🔗
sourceSizeX: int🔗
sourceSizeY: int🔗
tileHeight: int🔗
tileWidth: int🔗
unitsAcrossLevel0: float🔗

Module contents🔗

class large_image_source_mapnik.MapnikFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]🔗

Bases: GDALFileTileSource

Provides tile access to geospatial files.

Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters.

  • path – a filesystem path for the tile source.

  • projection – None to use pixel space, otherwise a proj4 projection string or a case-insensitive string of the form ‘EPSG:<epsg number>’. If a string and case-insensitively prefixed with ‘proj4:’, that prefix is removed. For instance, ‘proj4:EPSG:3857’, ‘PROJ4:+init=epsg:3857’, and ‘+init=epsg:3857’, and ‘EPSG:3857’ are all equivalent.

  • style

    if None, use the default style for the file. Otherwise, this is a string with a json-encoded dictionary. The style is ignored if it does not contain ‘band’ or ‘bands’. In addition to the base class parameters, the style can also contain the following keys:

    scheme: one of the mapnik.COLORIZER_xxx values. Case

    insensitive. Possible values are at least ‘discrete’, ‘linear’, and ‘exact’. This defaults to ‘linear’.

    composite: this is a string containing one of the mapnik

    CompositeOp properties. It defaults to ‘lighten’.

  • unitsPerPixel – The size of a pixel at the 0 tile size. Ignored if the projection is None. For projections, None uses the default, which is the distance between (-180,0) and (180,0) in EPSG:4326 converted to the projection divided by the tile size. Proj4 projections that are not latlong (is_geographic is False) must specify unitsPerPixel.

addStyle(m, layerSrs, extent=None)[source]🔗

Attaches raster style option to mapnik raster layer and adds the layer to the mapnik map.

  • m – mapnik map.

  • layerSrs – the layer projection

  • extent – the extent to use for the mapnik layer.

cacheName = 'tilesource'🔗
extensions: Dict[str | None, SourcePriority] = {'nc': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, 'nitf': SourcePriority.HIGHER, 'ntf': SourcePriority.HIGHER, 'tif': SourcePriority.LOWER, 'tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER, 'vrt': SourcePriority.HIGHER, None: SourcePriority.LOW}🔗

Get band information for a single band.


band – a 1-based band.


a dictionary of band information. See getBandInformation.

getTile(x, y, z, **kwargs)[source]🔗

Get a tile from a tile source, returning it as an binary image, a PIL image, or a numpy array.

  • x – the 0-based x position of the tile on the specified z level. 0 is left.

  • y – the 0-based y position of the tile on the specified z level. 0 is top.

  • z – the z level of the tile. May range from [0, self.levels], where 0 is the lowest resolution, single tile for the whole source.

  • pilImageAllowed – True if a PIL image may be returned.

  • numpyAllowed – True if a numpy image may be returned. ‘always’ to return a numpy array.

  • sparseFallback – if False and a tile doesn’t exist, raise an error. If True, check if a lower resolution tile exists, and, if so, interpolate the needed data for this tile.

  • frame – the frame number within the tile source. None is the same as 0 for multi-frame sources.


either a numpy array, a PIL image, or a memory object with an image file.

static interpolateMinMax(start, stop, count)[source]🔗

Returns interpolated values for a given start, stop and count


List of interpolated values

levels: int🔗
mimeTypes: Dict[str | None, SourcePriority] = {'image/geotiff': SourcePriority.HIGHER, 'image/tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER, 'image/x-tiff': SourcePriority.LOWER, None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK}🔗
name = 'mapnik'🔗
projection: str | bytes🔗
projectionOrigin: Tuple[float, float]🔗
sizeX: int🔗
sizeY: int🔗
sourceLevels: int🔗
sourceSizeX: int🔗
sourceSizeY: int🔗
tileHeight: int🔗
tileWidth: int🔗
unitsAcrossLevel0: float🔗
large_image_source_mapnik.canRead(*args, **kwargs)[source]🔗

Check if an input can be read by the module class.*args, **kwargs)[source]🔗

Create an instance of the module class.