Source code for large_image_source_dicom.assetstore.dicomweb_assetstore_adapter

import json

import cherrypy
import requests
from large_image_source_dicom.dicom_tags import dicom_key_to_tag
from large_image_source_dicom.dicomweb_utils import get_dicomweb_metadata
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from import setContentDisposition, setResponseHeader
from girder.exceptions import ValidationException
from girder.models.file import File
from girder.models.folder import Folder
from girder.models.item import Item
from girder.utility.abstract_assetstore_adapter import AbstractAssetstoreAdapter

DICOMWEB_META_KEY = 'dicomweb_meta'

BUF_SIZE = 65536

[docs] class DICOMwebAssetstoreAdapter(AbstractAssetstoreAdapter): """ This defines the interface to be used by all assetstore adapters. """ def __init__(self, assetstore): super().__init__(assetstore)
[docs] @staticmethod def validateInfo(doc): # Ensure that the assetstore is marked read-only doc['readOnly'] = True required_fields = [ 'url', ] info = doc.get(DICOMWEB_META_KEY, {}) for field in required_fields: if field not in info: raise ValidationException('Missing field: ' + field) # If these are empty, they need to be converted to None convert_empty_fields_to_none = [ 'qido_prefix', 'wado_prefix', 'auth_type', ] for field in convert_empty_fields_to_none: if isinstance(info.get(field), str) and not info[field].strip(): info[field] = None if info['auth_type'] == 'token' and not info.get('auth_token'): msg = 'A token must be provided if the auth type is "token"' raise ValidationException(msg) # Verify that we can connect to the server, if the authentication type # allows it. if info['auth_type'] in (None, 'token'): study_instance_uid_tag = dicom_key_to_tag('StudyInstanceUID') series_instance_uid_tag = dicom_key_to_tag('SeriesInstanceUID') client = _create_dicomweb_client(info) # Try to search for series. If we get an http error, raise # a validation exception. try: series = client.search_for_series( limit=1, fields=(study_instance_uid_tag, series_instance_uid_tag), ) except HTTPError as e: msg = f'Failed to validate DICOMweb server settings: {e}' raise ValidationException(msg) # If we found a series, then test the wado prefix as well if series: # The previous query should have obtained uids for a specific # study and series. study_uid = series[0][study_instance_uid_tag]['Value'][0] series_uid = series[0][series_instance_uid_tag]['Value'][0] try: # Retrieve the metadata of this series as a wado prefix test client.retrieve_series_metadata( study_instance_uid=study_uid, series_instance_uid=series_uid, ) except HTTPError as e: msg = f'Failed to validate DICOMweb WADO prefix: {e}' raise ValidationException(msg) return doc
@property def assetstore_meta(self): return self.assetstore[DICOMWEB_META_KEY]
[docs] def initUpload(self, upload): msg = 'DICOMweb assetstores are import only.' raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def finalizeUpload(self, upload, file): msg = 'DICOMweb assetstores are import only.' raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def deleteFile(self, file): # We don't actually need to do anything special pass
[docs] def setContentHeaders(self, file, offset, endByte, contentDisposition=None): """ Sets the Content-Length, Content-Disposition, Content-Type, and also the Content-Range header if this is a partial download. :param file: The file being downloaded. :param offset: The start byte of the download. :type offset: int :param endByte: The end byte of the download (non-inclusive). :type endByte: int or None :param contentDisposition: Content-Disposition response header disposition-type value, if None, Content-Disposition will be set to 'attachment; filename=$filename'. :type contentDisposition: str or None """ isRangeRequest = cherrypy.request.headers.get('Range') setResponseHeader('Content-Type', file['mimeType']) setContentDisposition(file['name'], contentDisposition or 'attachment') if file.get('size') is not None: # Only set Content-Length and range request headers if we have a file size size = file['size'] if endByte is None or endByte > size: endByte = size setResponseHeader('Content-Length', max(endByte - offset, 0)) if offset or endByte < size or isRangeRequest: setResponseHeader('Content-Range', f'bytes {offset}-{endByte - 1}/{size}')
[docs] def downloadFile(self, file, offset=0, headers=True, endByte=None, contentDisposition=None, extraParameters=None, **kwargs): if headers: setResponseHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') self.setContentHeaders(file, offset, endByte, contentDisposition) def stream(): # Perform the request # Try a single-part download first. If that doesn't work, do multipart. response = self._request_retrieve_instance_prefer_singlepart(file) bytes_read = 0 for chunk in self._stream_retrieve_instance_response(response): if bytes_read < offset: # We haven't reached the start of the offset yet bytes_needed = offset - bytes_read if bytes_needed >= len(chunk): # Skip over the whole chunk... bytes_read += len(chunk) continue # Discard all bytes before the offset chunk = chunk[bytes_needed:] bytes_read += bytes_needed if endByte is not None and bytes_read + len(chunk) >= endByte: # We have reached the end... remove all bytes after endByte chunk = chunk[:endByte - bytes_read] if chunk: yield chunk bytes_read += len(chunk) break yield chunk bytes_read += len(chunk) return stream
def _request_retrieve_instance_prefer_singlepart(self, file, transfer_syntax='*'): # Try to perform a singlepart request. If it fails, perform a multipart request # instead. response = None try: response = self._request_retrieve_instance(file, multipart=False, transfer_syntax=transfer_syntax) except requests.HTTPError: # If there is an HTTPError, the server might not accept single-part requests... pass if self._is_singlepart_response(response): return response # Perform the multipart request instead return self._request_retrieve_instance(file, transfer_syntax=transfer_syntax) def _request_retrieve_instance(self, file, multipart=True, transfer_syntax='*'): # Multipart requests are officially supported by the DICOMweb standard. # Singlepart requests are not officially supported, but they are easier # to work with. # Google Healthcare API support it. # See here: # Create the URL client = _create_dicomweb_client(self.assetstore_meta) url = self._create_retrieve_instance_url(client, file) # Build the headers headers = {} if multipart: # This is officially supported by the DICOMweb standard. headers['Accept'] = '; '.join(( 'multipart/related', 'type="application/dicom"', f'transfer-syntax={transfer_syntax}', )) else: # This is not officially supported by the DICOMweb standard, # but it is easier to work with, and some servers such as # Google Healthcare API support it. # See here: headers['Accept'] = f'application/dicom; transfer-syntax={transfer_syntax}' return client._http_get(url, headers=headers, stream=True) def _create_retrieve_instance_url(self, client, file): from dicomweb_client.web import _Transaction dicom_uids = file['dicom_uids'] study_uid = dicom_uids['study_uid'] series_uid = dicom_uids['series_uid'] instance_uid = dicom_uids['instance_uid'] return client._get_instances_url( _Transaction.RETRIEVE, study_uid, series_uid, instance_uid, ) def _stream_retrieve_instance_response(self, response): # Check if the original request asked for multipart data if 'multipart/related' in response.request.headers.get('Accept', ''): yield from self._stream_dicom_multipart_response(response) else: # The content should *only* contain the DICOM file with response: yield from response.iter_content(BUF_SIZE) def _extract_media_type_and_boundary(self, response): content_type = response.headers['content-type'] media_type, *ct_info = (ct.strip() for ct in content_type.split(';')) boundary = None for item in ct_info: attr, _, value = item.partition('=') if attr.lower() == 'boundary': boundary = value.strip('"').encode() break return media_type, boundary def _stream_dicom_multipart_response(self, response): # The first part of this function was largely copied from dicomweb-client's # _decode_multipart_message() function. But we can't use that function here # because it relies on reading the whole DICOM file into memory. We want to # avoid that and stream in chunks. # Split the content-type to find the media type and boundary. media_type, boundary = self._extract_media_type_and_boundary(response) if media_type.lower() != 'multipart/related': msg = f'Unexpected media type: "{media_type}". Expected "multipart/related".' raise ValueError(msg) # Ensure we have the multipart/related boundary. # The beginning boundary and end boundary look slightly different (in my # examples, beginning looks like '--{boundary}\r\n', and ending looks like # '\r\n--{boundary}--'). But we skip over the beginning boundary anyways # since it is before the message body. An end boundary might look like this: # \r\n--50d7ccd118978542c422543a7156abfce929e7615bc024e533c85801cd77-- if boundary is None: content_type = response.headers['content-type'] msg = f'Failed to locate boundary in content-type: {content_type}' raise ValueError(msg) # Both dicomweb-client and requests-toolbelt check for # the ending boundary exactly like so: ending = b'\r\n--' + boundary # Sometimes, there are a few extra bytes after the ending, such # as '--' and '\r\n'. Imaging Data Commons has '--\r\n' at the end. # But we don't care about what comes after the ending. As soon as we # encounter the ending, we are done. ending_size = len(ending) # Make sure the buffer is at least large enough to contain the # ending_size - 1, so that the ending cannot be split between more than 2 chunks. buffer_size = max(BUF_SIZE, ending_size - 1) with response: # Create our iterator iterator = response.iter_content(buffer_size) # First, stream until we encounter the first `\r\n\r\n`, # which denotes the end of the header section. header_found = False end_header_delimiter = b'\r\n\r\n' for chunk in iterator: if end_header_delimiter in chunk: idx = chunk.index(end_header_delimiter) # Save the first section of data. We will yield it later. prev_chunk = chunk[idx + len(end_header_delimiter):] header_found = True break if not header_found: msg = 'Failed to find header in response content' raise ValueError(msg) # Now the header has been finished. Stream the data until # we encounter the ending boundary or finish the data. # The "prev_chunk" will start out set to the section right after the header. for chunk in iterator: # Ensure the chunk is large enough to contain the ending_size - 1, so # we can be sure the ending won't be split across more than 2 chunks. while len(chunk) < ending_size - 1: try: chunk += next(iterator) except StopIteration: break # Check if the ending is split between the previous and current chunks. if ending in prev_chunk + chunk[:ending_size - 1]: # We found the ending! Remove the ending boundary and return. data = prev_chunk + chunk[:ending_size - 1] yield data.split(ending, maxsplit=1)[0] return if prev_chunk: yield prev_chunk prev_chunk = chunk # We did not find the ending while looping. # Check if it is in the final chunk. if ending in prev_chunk: # Found the ending in the final chunk. yield prev_chunk.split(ending, maxsplit=1)[0] return # We should have encountered the ending earlier and returned msg = 'Failed to find ending boundary in response content' raise ValueError(msg) def _infer_file_size(self, file): # Try various methods to infer the file size, without streaming the # whole file. Returns the file size if successful, or `None` if unsuccessful. if file.get('size') is not None: # The file size was already determined. return file['size'] # Only method currently is inferring from single-part content_length return self._infer_file_size_singlepart_content_length(file) def _is_singlepart_response(self, response): if response is None: return False content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type') return ( response.status_code == 200 and not any(x in content_type for x in ('multipart/related', 'boundary')) ) def _infer_file_size_singlepart_content_length(self, file): # First, try to see if single-part requests work, and if the Content-Length # is returned. This works for Google Healthcare API. try: response = self._request_retrieve_instance(file, multipart=False) except requests.HTTPError: # If there is an HTTPError, the server might not accept single-part requests... return None if not self._is_singlepart_response(response): # Does not support single-part requests... return None content_length = response.headers.get('Content-Length') if not content_length: # The server did not return a Content-Length return None try: # The DICOM file size is equal to the Content-Length return int(content_length) except ValueError: return None def _importData(self, parent, parentType, params, progress, user): if parentType not in ('folder', 'user', 'collection'): msg = f'Invalid parent type: {parentType}' raise ValidationException(msg) limit = params.get('limit') search_filters = params.get('search_filters', {}) meta = self.assetstore_meta client = _create_dicomweb_client(meta) study_uid_key = dicom_key_to_tag('StudyInstanceUID') series_uid_key = dicom_key_to_tag('SeriesInstanceUID') instance_uid_key = dicom_key_to_tag('SOPInstanceUID') # Search for studies. Apply the limit and search filters. fields = [ study_uid_key, ] if progress: progress.update(message='Searching for studies...') studies_results = client.search_for_studies( limit=limit, fields=fields, search_filters=search_filters, ) # Search for all series in the returned studies. fields = [ study_uid_key, series_uid_key, ] if progress: progress.update(message='Searching for series...') series_results = [] for study in studies_results: study_uid = study[study_uid_key]['Value'][0] series_results += client.search_for_series(study_uid, fields=fields) # Create folders for each study, items for each series, and files for each instance. items = [] for i, result in enumerate(series_results): if progress: progress.update(total=len(series_results), current=i, message='Importing series...') study_uid = result[study_uid_key]['Value'][0] series_uid = result[series_uid_key]['Value'][0] # Create a folder for the study, and an item for the series folder = Folder().createFolder(parent, parentType=parentType, name=study_uid, creator=user, reuseExisting=True) item = Item().createItem(name=series_uid, creator=user, folder=folder, reuseExisting=True) # Set the DICOMweb metadata item['dicomweb_meta'] = get_dicomweb_metadata(client, study_uid, series_uid) item['dicom_uids'] = { 'study_uid': study_uid, 'series_uid': series_uid, } item = Item().save(item) instance_results = client.search_for_instances(study_uid, series_uid) for instance in instance_results: instance_uid = instance[instance_uid_key]['Value'][0] file = File().createFile( name=f'{instance_uid}.dcm', creator=user, item=item, reuseExisting=True, assetstore=self.assetstore, mimeType='application/dicom', size=None, saveFile=False, ) file['dicom_uids'] = { 'study_uid': study_uid, 'series_uid': series_uid, 'instance_uid': instance_uid, } file['imported'] = True # Inferring the file size can take a long time, so don't # do it right away, unless we figure out a way to make it faster. # file['size'] = self._infer_file_size(file) file = File().save(file) items.append(item) return items
[docs] def importData(self, parent, parentType, params, progress, user, **kwargs): """ Import DICOMweb WSI instances from a DICOMweb server. :param parent: The parent object to import into. :param parentType: The model type of the parent object. :type parentType: str :param params: Additional parameters required for the import process. This dictionary may include the following keys: :limit: (optional) limit the number of studies imported. :filters: (optional) a dictionary/JSON string of additional search filters to use with dicomweb_client's `search_for_series()` function. :type params: dict :param progress: Object on which to record progress if possible. :type progress: :py:class:`girder.utility.progress.ProgressContext` :param user: The Girder user performing the import. :type user: dict or None :return: a list of items that were created """ # Validate the parameters limit = params.get('limit') or None if limit is not None: error_msg = f'Invalid limit: {limit}' try: limit = int(limit) except ValueError: raise ValidationException(error_msg) if limit < 1: raise ValidationException(error_msg) search_filters = params.get('filters', {}) if isinstance(search_filters, str): try: search_filters = json.loads(search_filters) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: msg = f'Invalid filters: "{params.get("filters")}". {e}' raise ValidationException(msg) items = self._importData( parent, parentType, { 'limit': limit, 'search_filters': search_filters, }, progress, user, ) if not items: msg = 'No studies matching the search filters were found' raise ValidationException(msg) return items
@property def auth_session(self): return _create_auth_session(self.assetstore_meta)
[docs] def getFileSize(self, file): # This function will compute the size of the DICOM file (a potentially # expensive operation, since it may have to stream the whole file). # The caller is expected to cache the result in file['size']. # This function is called when the size is needed, such as the girder # fuse mount code, and range requests. if file.get('size') is not None: # It has already been computed once. Return the cached size. return file['size'] # Try to infer the file size without streaming, if possible. size = self._infer_file_size(file) if size: return size # We must stream the whole file to get the file size... size = 0 response = self._request_retrieve_instance_prefer_singlepart(file) for chunk in self._stream_retrieve_instance_response(response): size += len(chunk) # This should get cached in file['size'] in File().updateSize(). return size
def _create_auth_session(meta): auth_type = meta.get('auth_type') if auth_type is None: return None if auth_type == 'token': return _create_token_auth_session(meta['auth_token']) msg = f'Unhandled auth type: {auth_type}' raise NotImplementedError(msg) def _create_token_auth_session(token): s = requests.Session() s.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}) return s def _create_dicomweb_client(meta): from dicomweb_client.api import DICOMwebClient session = _create_auth_session(meta) # Make the DICOMwebClient return DICOMwebClient( url=meta['url'], qido_url_prefix=meta.get('qido_prefix'), wado_url_prefix=meta.get('wado_prefix'), session=session, )