import functools
import math
import os
import re
import warnings
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as _importlib_version
import numpy as np
from large_image_source_dicom.dicom_metadata import extract_dicom_metadata
from large_image_source_dicom.dicomweb_utils import get_dicomweb_metadata
from large_image.cache_util import LruCacheMetaclass, methodcache
from large_image.constants import TILE_FORMAT_PIL, SourcePriority
from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceError, TileSourceFileNotFoundError
from large_image.tilesource import FileTileSource
from large_image.tilesource.utilities import _imageToNumpy, _imageToPIL
dicomweb_client = None
pydicom = None
wsidicom = None
__version__ = _importlib_version(__name__)
except PackageNotFoundError:
# package is not installed
def _lazyImport():
Import the wsidicom module. This is done when needed rather than in the
module initialization because it is slow.
global wsidicom
global dicomweb_client
global pydicom
if wsidicom is None:
import dicomweb_client
import pydicom
import wsidicom
except ImportError:
msg = 'dicom modules not found.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='wsidicom')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='dicomweb_client')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='pydicom')
def _lazyImportPydicom():
global pydicom
if pydicom is None:
import pydicom
return pydicom
def dicom_to_dict(ds, base=None):
Convert a pydicom dataset to a fairly flat python dictionary for purposes
of reporting. This is not invertable without extra work.
:param ds: a pydicom dataset.
:param base: a base dataset entry within the dataset.
:returns: a dictionary of values.
if base is None:
base = ds.to_json_dict(
bulk_data_element_handler=lambda x: '<%s bytes>' % len(x.value))
info = {}
for k, v in base.items():
key = k
key = pydicom.datadict.keyword_for_tag(k)
except Exception:
if isinstance(v, str):
val = v
if v.get('vr') in {None, 'OB'}:
if not len(v.get('Value', [])):
if isinstance(v['Value'][0], dict):
val = [dicom_to_dict(ds, entry) for entry in v['Value']]
elif len(v['Value']) == 1:
val = v['Value'][0]
val = v['Value']
info[key] = val
return info
def _getSeriesUIDForPath(path):
Check if the current path can be opened via dicom and returns a
:param path: a path to a potential dicom.
:returns: the SeriesInstanceUID if present; None if not or not a DICOM.
series_uid = pydicom.filereader.dcmread(
path, stop_before_pixels=True, specific_tags=['SeriesInstanceUID'],
return series_uid
except Exception:
return None
class DICOMFileTileSource(FileTileSource, metaclass=LruCacheMetaclass):
Provides tile access to dicom files the dicom or dicomreader library can
cacheName = 'tilesource'
name = 'dicom'
extensions = {
None: SourcePriority.LOW,
'dcm': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
'dic': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
'dicom': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
mimeTypes = {
None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK,
'application/dicom': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
nameMatches = {
r'DCM_\d+$': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
r'\d+(\.\d+){3,20}$': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
_minTileSize = 64
_maxTileSize = 4096
def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available
:param path: a filesystem path for the tile source.
super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
self._dicomWebClient = None
# We want to make a list of paths of files in this item, if multiple,
# or adjacent items in the folder if the item is a single file. We
# filter files with names that have a preferred extension.
# If the path is a dict, that likely means it is a DICOMweb asset.
path = self._getLargeImagePath()
if not isinstance(path, (dict, list)):
path = str(path)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise TileSourceFileNotFoundError(path) from None
root = os.path.dirname(path) or '.'
pydicom.filereader.dcmread(path, stop_before_pixels=True)
except Exception as exc:
msg = f'File cannot be opened via dicom tile source ({exc}).'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self._largeImagePath = [
os.path.join(root, entry) for entry in os.listdir(root)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, entry)) and
self._pathMightBeDicom(os.path.join(root, entry), path)]
if (path not in self._largeImagePath and
os.path.join(root, os.path.basename(path)) not in self._largeImagePath):
self._largeImagePath = [path]
self._largeImagePath = path
self._dicom = self._open_wsi_dicom(self._largeImagePath)
# To let Python 3.8 work -- if this is insufficient, we may have to
# drop 3.8 support.
if not hasattr(self._dicom, 'pyramids'):
self._dicom.pyramids = [self._dicom.levels]
except Exception as exc:
msg = f'File cannot be opened via dicom tile source ({exc}).'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self.sizeX = int(self._dicom.size.width)
self.sizeY = int(self._dicom.size.height)
self.tileWidth = int(self._dicom.tile_size.width)
self.tileHeight = int(self._dicom.tile_size.height)
self.tileWidth = min(max(self.tileWidth, self._minTileSize), self._maxTileSize)
self.tileHeight = min(max(self.tileHeight, self._minTileSize), self._maxTileSize)
self.levels = int(max(1, math.ceil(math.log(
max(self.sizeX / self.tileWidth, self.sizeY / self.tileHeight)) / math.log(2)) + 1))
self._populatedLevels = len(self._dicom.pyramids[0])
# We need to detect which levels are functionally present if we want to
# return a sensible _nonemptyLevelsList
def _isDicomWeb(self):
# Keep track of whether this is DICOMweb or not
return self._dicomWebClient is not None
def _open_wsi_dicom(self, path):
if isinstance(path, dict):
# Use the DICOMweb open method
return self._open_wsi_dicomweb(path)
# Use the regular open method
def _open_wsi_dicomweb(self, info):
# These are the required keys in the info dict
url = info['url']
study_uid = info['study_uid']
series_uid = info['series_uid']
# Create the web client
client = dicomweb_client.DICOMwebClient(
# The following are optional keys
wsidicom_client = wsidicom.WsiDicomWebClient(client)
# Save this for future use
self._dicomWebClient = client
# Open the WSI DICOMweb file
return wsidicom.WsiDicom.open_web(wsidicom_client, study_uid, series_uid)
def __del__(self):
# If we have an _unstyledInstance attribute, this is not the owner of
# the _docim handle, so we can't close it. Otherwise, we need to close
# it or the _dicom library may prevent shutting down.
if getattr(self, '_dicom', None) is not None and not hasattr(self, '_derivedSource'):
self._dicom = None
def _pathMightBeDicom(self, path, basepath=None):
Return True if the path looks like it might be a dicom file based on
its name or extension.
:param path: the path to check.
:returns: True if this might be a dicom, False otherwise.
mightbe = False
origpath = path
path = os.path.basename(path)
if (basepath is not None and
os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(basepath))[-1][1:] not in self.extensions):
if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(basepath))[-1]:
mightbe = True
elif os.path.splitext(path)[-1][1:] in self.extensions:
mightbe = True
if (not mightbe and re.match(r'^([1-9][0-9]*|0)(\.([1-9][0-9]*|0))+$', path) and
len(path) <= 64):
mightbe = True
if not mightbe and re.match(r'^DCM_\d+$', path):
mightbe = True
if mightbe and basepath:
base_series_uid = _getSeriesUIDForPath(basepath)
if base_series_uid:
series_uid = _getSeriesUIDForPath(origpath)
mightbe = series_uid is not None and base_series_uid == series_uid
return mightbe
def getNativeMagnification(self):
Get the magnification at a particular level.
:return: magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm.
mm_x = mm_y = None
mm_x = self._dicom.pyramids[0][0].pixel_spacing.width or None
mm_y = self._dicom.pyramids[0][0].pixel_spacing.height or None
except Exception:
mm_x = float(mm_x) if mm_x else None
mm_y = float(mm_y) if mm_y else None
# Estimate the magnification; we don't have a direct value
mag = 0.01 / mm_x if mm_x else None
return {
'magnification': mag,
'mm_x': mm_x,
'mm_y': mm_y,
def _getDicomMetadata(self):
if self._isDicomWeb:
# Get the client, study uid, and series uid
client = self._dicomWebClient
study_uid = self._dicom.uids.study_instance
series_uid = self._dicom.uids.series_instance
return get_dicomweb_metadata(client, study_uid, series_uid)
# Find the first volume instance and extract the metadata
volume = None
for level in self._dicom.pyramids[0]:
for ds in level.datasets:
if ds.image_type.value == 'VOLUME':
volume = ds
if volume:
if not volume:
return None
return extract_dicom_metadata(volume)
def getTile(self, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False, **kwargs):
frame = self._getFrame(**kwargs)
self._xyzInRange(x, y, z, frame)
x0, y0, x1, y1, step = self._xyzToCorners(x, y, z)
bw = self.tileWidth * step
bh = self.tileHeight * step
level = 0
levelfactor = 1
basefactor = self._dicom.pyramids[0][0].pixel_spacing.width
for checklevel in range(1, len(self._dicom.pyramids[0])):
factor = round(self._dicom.pyramids[0][checklevel].pixel_spacing.width / basefactor)
if factor <= step:
level = checklevel
levelfactor = factor
x0f = int(x0 // levelfactor)
y0f = int(y0 // levelfactor)
x1f = min(int(math.ceil(x1 / levelfactor)), self._dicom.pyramids[0][level].size.width)
y1f = min(int(math.ceil(y1 / levelfactor)), self._dicom.pyramids[0][level].size.height)
bw = int(bw // levelfactor)
bh = int(bh // levelfactor)
tile = self._dicom.read_region(
(x0f, y0f), self._dicom.pyramids[0][level].level, (x1f - x0f, y1f - y0f))
if tile.width < bw or tile.height < bh:
tile = _imageToNumpy(tile)[0]
tile = np.pad(
((0, bh - tile.shape[0]), (0, bw - tile.shape[1]), (0, 0)),
'constant', constant_values=0)
tile = _imageToPIL(tile)
if bw > self.tileWidth or bh > self.tileHeight:
tile = tile.resize((self.tileWidth, self.tileHeight))
return self._outputTile(tile, format, x, y, z,
pilImageAllowed, numpyAllowed, **kwargs)
def getAssociatedImagesList(self):
Return a list of associated images.
:return: the list of image keys.
return [key for key in ['label', 'macro'] if self._getAssociatedImage(key)]
def _getAssociatedImage(self, imageKey):
Get an associated image in PIL format.
:param imageKey: the key of the associated image.
:return: the image in PIL format or None.
keyMap = {
'label': 'read_label',
'macro': 'read_overview',
return getattr(self._dicom, keyMap[imageKey])()
except Exception:
return None
def open(*args, **kwargs):
Create an instance of the module class.
return DICOMFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)
def canRead(*args, **kwargs):
Check if an input can be read by the module class.
return DICOMFileTileSource.canRead(*args, **kwargs)