Source code for girder_large_image_annotation.utils

import json
import math

[docs] class AnnotationGeoJSON: """ Generate GeoJSON for an annotation via an iterator. """ def __init__(self, annotationId, asFeatures=False, mustConvert=False): """ Return an itertor for converting an annotation into geojson. :param annotatioId: the id of the annotation. No permissions checks are performed. :param asFeatures: if False, return a geojson string. If True, return the features of the geojson. This can be wrapped in `{'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features: [...output...]}` to make it a full geojson object. :param mustConvert: if True, raise an exception if any annotation elements cannot be converted. Otherwise, skip those elements. """ from ..models.annotation import Annotation from ..models.annotationelement import Annotationelement self._id = annotationId self.annotation = Annotation().load(id=self._id, force=True, getElements=False) self.elemIterator = Annotationelement().yieldElements(self.annotation) self.stage = 'header' self.first = self.annotation['annotation'] self.asFeatures = asFeatures self.mustConvert = mustConvert def __iter__(self): from ..models.annotationelement import Annotationelement self.elemIterator = Annotationelement().yieldElements(self.annotation) self.stage = 'header' return self def __next__(self): if self.stage == 'header': self.stage = 'firstelement' if not self.asFeatures: return '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[' if self.stage == 'done': raise StopIteration try: while True: element = next(self.elemIterator) result = self.elementToGeoJSON(element) if result is not None: break if self.mustConvert: msg = f'Element of type {element["type"]} cannot be represented as geojson' raise Exception(msg) prefix = '' if self.stage == 'firstelement': result['properties']['annotation'] = self.first self.stage = 'elements' else: prefix = ',' if not self.asFeatures: return prefix + json.dumps(result, separators=(',', ':')) return result except StopIteration: self.stage = 'done' if not self.asFeatures: return ']}' raise
[docs] def rotate(self, r, cx, cy, x, y, z): if not r: return [x + cx, y + cy, z] cosr = math.cos(r) sinr = math.sin(r) x -= cx y -= cy return [x * cosr - y * sinr + cx, x * sinr + y * sinr + cy, z]
[docs] def circleType(self, element, geom, prop): x, y, z = element['center'] r = element['radius'] geom['type'] = 'Polygon' geom['coordinates'] = [[ [x - r, y - r, z], [x + r, y - r, z], [x + r, y + r, z], [x - r, y + r, z], [x - r, y - r, z], ]]
[docs] def ellipseType(self, element, geom, prop): return self.rectangleType(element, geom, prop)
[docs] def pointType(self, element, geom, prop): geom['type'] = 'Point' geom['coordinates'] = element['center']
[docs] def polylineType(self, element, geom, prop): if element['closed']: geom['type'] = 'Polygon' geom['coordinates'] = [element['points'][:]] geom['coordinates'][0].append(geom['coordinates'][0][0]) if element.get('holes'): for hole in element['holes']: hole = hole[:] hole.append(hole[0]) geom['coordinates'].append(hole) else: geom['type'] = 'LineString' geom['coordinates'] = element['points']
[docs] def rectangleType(self, element, geom, prop): x, y, z = element['center'] width = element['width'] height = element['height'] rotation = element.get('rotation', 0) left = x - width / 2 right = x + width / 2 top = y - height / 2 bottom = y + height / 2 geom['type'] = 'Polygon' geom['coordinates'] = [[ self.rotate(rotation, x, y, left, top, z), self.rotate(rotation, x, y, right, top, z), self.rotate(rotation, x, y, right, bottom, z), self.rotate(rotation, x, y, left, bottom, z), self.rotate(rotation, x, y, left, top, z), ]]
# not represented # heatmap, griddata, image, pixelmap, arrow, rectanglegrid # heatmap could be MultiPoint, griddata could be rectangle with lots of # properties, image and pixelmap could be rectangle with the image id as a # property, arrow and rectangelgrid aren't really supported
[docs] def elementToGeoJSON(self, element): elemType = element.get('type', '') funcName = elemType + 'Type' if not hasattr(self, funcName): return None result = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': {}, 'properties': { k: v if k != 'id' else str(v) for k, v in element.items() if k in { 'id', 'label', 'group', 'user', 'lineColor', 'lineWidth', 'fillColor', 'radius', 'width', 'height', 'rotation', 'normal', } }, } getattr(self, funcName)(element, result['geometry'], result['properties']) if result['geometry']['type'].lower() != element['type']: result['properties']['type'] = element['type'] return result