Source code for girder_large_image_annotation.handlers

import json
import time
import uuid

import cachetools
import orjson

import large_image.config
from girder import logger
from girder.constants import AccessType
from girder.models.file import File
from girder.models.item import Item
from girder.models.user import User

from .models.annotation import Annotation
from .utils import isGeoJSON

_recentIdentifiers = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=86400)

def _itemFromEvent(event, identifierEnding, itemAccessLevel=AccessType.READ):
    If an event has a reference and an associated identifier that ends with a
    specific string, return the associated item, user, and image file.

    :param event: the data.process event.
    :param identifierEnding: the required end of the identifier.
    :returns: a dictionary with item, user, and file if there was a match.
    info =
    identifier = None
    reference = info.get('reference', None)
    if reference is not None:
            reference = json.loads(reference)
            if (isinstance(reference, dict) and
                    isinstance(reference.get('identifier'), str)):
                identifier = reference['identifier']
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            logger.debug('Failed to parse data.process reference: %r', reference)
    if identifier and 'uuid' in reference:
        if reference['uuid'] not in _recentIdentifiers:
            _recentIdentifiers[reference['uuid']] = {}
        _recentIdentifiers[reference['uuid']][identifier] = info
        reprocessFunc = _recentIdentifiers[reference['uuid']].pop('_reprocess', None)
        if reprocessFunc:
    if identifier is not None and identifier.endswith(identifierEnding):
        if identifier == 'LargeImageAnnotationUpload' and 'uuid' not in reference:
            reference['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if 'userId' not in reference or 'itemId' not in reference or 'fileId' not in reference:
            logger.error('Reference does not contain required information.')
            return None

        userId = reference['userId']
        imageId = reference['fileId']

        # load models from the database
        user = User().load(userId, force=True)
        image = File().load(imageId, level=AccessType.READ, user=user)
        item = Item().load(image['itemId'], level=itemAccessLevel, user=user)
        return {'item': item, 'user': user, 'file': image, 'uuid': reference.get('uuid')}

[docs] def resolveAnnotationGirderIds(event, results, data, possibleGirderIds): """ If an annotation has references to girderIds, resolve them to actual ids. :param event: a data.process event. :param results: the results from _itemFromEvent, :param data: annotation data. :param possibleGirderIds: a list of annotation elements with girderIds needing resolution. :returns: True if all ids were processed. """ # Exclude actual girderIds from resolution girderIds = [] for element in possibleGirderIds: # This will throw an exception if the girderId isn't well-formed as an # actual id. try: if Item().load(element['girderId'], level=AccessType.READ, force=True) is None: girderIds.append(element) except Exception: girderIds.append(element) if not len(girderIds): return True idRecord = _recentIdentifiers.get(results.get('uuid')) if idRecord and not all(element['girderId'] in idRecord for element in girderIds): idRecord['_reprocess'] = lambda: process_annotations(event) return False for element in girderIds: element['girderId'] = str(idRecord[element['girderId']]['file']['itemId']) # Currently, all girderIds inside annotations are expected to be # large images. In this case, load them and ask if they can be so, # in case they are small images from girder_large_image.models.image_item import ImageItem try: item = ImageItem().load(element['girderId'], force=True) ImageItem().createImageItem( item, list(ImageItem().childFiles(item=item, limit=1))[0], createJob=False) except Exception: pass return True
[docs] def process_annotations(event): # noqa: C901 """Add annotations to an image on a ``data.process`` event""" results = _itemFromEvent(event, 'LargeImageAnnotationUpload') if not results: return item = results['item'] user = results['user'] file = File().load('file', {}).get('_id'), level=AccessType.READ, user=user, ) startTime = time.time() if not file: logger.error('Could not load models from the database') return try: if file['size'] > int(large_image.config.getConfig( 'max_annotation_input_file_length', 1024 ** 3)): msg = ('File is larger than will be read into memory. If your ' 'server will permit it, increase the ' 'max_annotation_input_file_length setting.') raise Exception(msg) data = [] with File().open(file) as fptr: while True: chunk = ** 2) if not len(chunk): break data.append(chunk) data = orjson.loads(b''.join(data).decode()) except Exception: logger.error('Could not parse annotation file') raise if time.time() - startTime > 10:'Decoded json in %5.3fs', time.time() - startTime) if not isinstance(data, list) or isGeoJSON(data): data = [data] data = [entry['annotation'] if 'annotation' in entry else entry for entry in data] # Check some of the early elements to see if there are any girderIds # that need resolution. if 'uuid' in results: girderIds = [ element for annotation in data for element in annotation.get('elements', [])[:100] if 'girderId' in element] if len(girderIds): if not resolveAnnotationGirderIds(event, results, data, girderIds): return for annotation in data: try: Annotation().createAnnotation(item, user, annotation) except Exception: logger.error('Could not create annotation object from data') raise if str(file['itemId']) == str(item['_id']): File().remove(file)