# Copyright Kitware Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import io
import math
import os
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as _importlib_version
import openslide
import PIL
import tifftools
from large_image.cache_util import LruCacheMetaclass, methodcache
from large_image.constants import TILE_FORMAT_PIL, SourcePriority
from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceError, TileSourceFileNotFoundError
from large_image.tilesource import FileTileSource, nearPowerOfTwo
__version__ = _importlib_version(__name__)
except PackageNotFoundError:
# package is not installed
class OpenslideFileTileSource(FileTileSource, metaclass=LruCacheMetaclass):
Provides tile access to SVS files and other files the openslide library can
cacheName = 'tilesource'
name = 'openslide'
extensions = {
None: SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
'bif': SourcePriority.LOW, # Ventana
'dcm': SourcePriority.LOW, # DICOM
'ini': SourcePriority.LOW, # Part of mrxs
'mrxs': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, # MIRAX
'ndpi': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, # Hamamatsu
'scn': SourcePriority.LOW, # Leica
'svs': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
'svslide': SourcePriority.PREFERRED,
'tif': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
'tiff': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
'vms': SourcePriority.HIGH, # Hamamatsu
'vmu': SourcePriority.HIGH, # Hamamatsu
mimeTypes = {
None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK,
'image/mirax': SourcePriority.PREFERRED, # MIRAX
'image/tiff': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
'image/x-tiff': SourcePriority.MEDIUM,
def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): # noqa
Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available
:param path: a filesystem path for the tile source.
super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
self._largeImagePath = str(self._getLargeImagePath())
self._openslide = openslide.OpenSlide(self._largeImagePath)
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideUnsupportedFormatError:
if not os.path.isfile(self._largeImagePath):
raise TileSourceFileNotFoundError(self._largeImagePath) from None
msg = 'File cannot be opened via OpenSlide.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError:
msg = 'File will not be opened via OpenSlide.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self._tiffinfo = tifftools.read_tiff(self._largeImagePath)
if tifftools.Tag.ICCProfile.value in self._tiffinfo['ifds'][0]['tags']:
self._iccprofiles = [self._tiffinfo['ifds'][0]['tags'][
except Exception:
if hasattr(self, '_tiffinfo'):
for ifd in self._tiffinfo['ifds']:
if (tifftools.Tag.NDPI_FOCAL_PLANE.value in ifd['tags'] and
ifd['tags'][tifftools.Tag.NDPI_FOCAL_PLANE.value]['data'][0] != 0):
msg = ('File will not be opened via OpenSlide; '
'non-zero focal planes would be missed.')
raise TileSourceError(msg)
svsAvailableLevels = self._getAvailableLevels(self._largeImagePath)
if not len(svsAvailableLevels):
msg = 'OpenSlide image size is invalid.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self.sizeX = svsAvailableLevels[0]['width']
self.sizeY = svsAvailableLevels[0]['height']
if (self.sizeX != self._openslide.dimensions[0] or
self.sizeY != self._openslide.dimensions[1]):
msg = ('OpenSlide reports a dimension of %d x %d, but base layer '
'has a dimension of %d x %d -- using base layer '
'dimensions.' % (
self._openslide.dimensions[1], self.sizeX, self.sizeY))
self.levels = int(math.ceil(max(
math.log(float(self.sizeX) / self.tileWidth),
math.log(float(self.sizeY) / self.tileHeight)) / math.log(2))) + 1
if self.levels < 1:
msg = 'OpenSlide image must have at least one level.'
raise TileSourceError(msg)
self._svslevels = []
# Precompute which SVS level should be used for our tile levels. SVS
# level 0 is the maximum resolution. The SVS levels are in descending
# resolution and, we assume, are powers of two in scale. For each of
# our levels (where 0 is the minimum resolution), find the lowest
# resolution SVS level that contains at least as many pixels. If this
# is not the same scale as we expect, note the scale factor so we can
# load an appropriate area and scale it to the tile size later.
maxSize = 16384 # This should probably be based on available memory
for level in range(self.levels):
levelW = max(1, self.sizeX / 2 ** (self.levels - 1 - level))
levelH = max(1, self.sizeY / 2 ** (self.levels - 1 - level))
# bestlevel and scale will be the picked svs level and the scale
# between that level and what we really wanted. We expect scale to
# always be a positive integer power of two.
bestlevel = svsAvailableLevels[0]['level']
scale = 1
for svslevel in range(len(svsAvailableLevels)):
if (svsAvailableLevels[svslevel]['width'] < levelW - 1 or
svsAvailableLevels[svslevel]['height'] < levelH - 1):
bestlevel = svsAvailableLevels[svslevel]['level']
scale = int(round(svsAvailableLevels[svslevel]['width'] / levelW))
# If there are no tiles at a particular level, we have to read a
# larger area of a higher resolution level. If such an area would
# be excessively large, we could have memory issues, so raise an
# error.
if (self.tileWidth * scale > maxSize or
self.tileHeight * scale > maxSize):
msg = ('OpenSlide has no small-scale tiles (level %d is at %d '
'scale)' % (level, scale))
raise TileSourceError(msg)
'svslevel': bestlevel,
'scale': scale,
self._bounds = None
bounds = {
'x': int(self._openslide.properties[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_X]),
'y': int(self._openslide.properties[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_Y]),
'width': int(self._openslide.properties[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_WIDTH]),
'height': int(self._openslide.properties[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_HEIGHT]),
if (
bounds['x'] >= 0 and bounds['width'] > 0 and
bounds['x'] + bounds['width'] <= self.sizeX and
bounds['y'] >= 0 and bounds['height'] > 0 and
bounds['y'] + bounds['height'] <= self.sizeY and
(bounds['width'] < self.sizeX or bounds['height'] < self.sizeY)
self._bounds = bounds
self.sizeX, self.sizeY = bounds['width'], bounds['height']
prevlevels = self.levels
self.levels = int(math.ceil(max(
math.log(float(self.sizeX) / self.tileWidth),
math.log(float(self.sizeY) / self.tileHeight)) / math.log(2))) + 1
self._svslevels = self._svslevels[prevlevels - self.levels:]
except Exception:
self._populatedLevels = len({l['svslevel'] for l in self._svslevels})
def _getTileSize(self):
Get the tile size. The tile size isn't in the official openslide
interface documentation, but every example has the tile size in the
properties. If the tile size has an excessive aspect ratio or isn't
set, fall back to a default of 256 x 256. The read_region function
abstracts reading the tiles, so this may be less efficient, but will
still work.
# Try to read it, but fall back to 256 if it isn't set.
width = height = 256
width = int(self._openslide.properties[
except (ValueError, KeyError):
height = int(self._openslide.properties[
except (ValueError, KeyError):
# If the tile size is too small (<4) or wrong (<=0), use a default value
if width < 4:
width = 256
if height < 4:
height = 256
# If the tile has an excessive aspect ratio, use default values
if max(width, height) / min(width, height) >= 4:
width = height = 256
# Don't let tiles be bigger than the whole image.
self.tileWidth = min(width, self.sizeX)
self.tileHeight = min(height, self.sizeY)
def _getAvailableLevels(self, path):
Some SVS files (notably some NDPI variants) have levels that cannot be
read. Get a list of levels, check that each is at least potentially
readable, and return a list of these sorted highest-resolution first.
:param path: the path of the SVS file. After a failure, the file is
reopened to reset the error state.
:returns: levels. A list of valid levels, each of which is a
dictionary of level (the internal 0-based level number), width, and
levels = []
svsLevelDimensions = self._openslide.level_dimensions
for svslevel in range(len(svsLevelDimensions)):
self._openslide.read_region((0, 0), svslevel, (1, 1))
level = {
'level': svslevel,
'width': svsLevelDimensions[svslevel][0],
'height': svsLevelDimensions[svslevel][1],
if level['width'] > 0 and level['height'] > 0:
# add to the list so that we can sort by resolution and
# then by earlier entries
levels.append((level['width'] * level['height'], -len(levels), level))
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError:
self._openslide = openslide.OpenSlide(path)
# sort highest resolution first.
levels = [entry[-1] for entry in sorted(levels, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[:-1])]
# Discard levels that are not a power-of-two compared to the highest
# resolution level.
levels = [entry for entry in levels if
nearPowerOfTwo(levels[0]['width'], entry['width']) and
nearPowerOfTwo(levels[0]['height'], entry['height'])]
return levels
def _nonemptyLevelsList(self, frame=0):
Return a list of one value per level where the value is None if the
level does not exist in the file and any other value if it does.
:param frame: the frame number.
:returns: a list of levels length.
return [True if l['scale'] == 1 else None for l in self._svslevels]
def getNativeMagnification(self):
Get the magnification at a particular level.
:return: magnification, width of a pixel in mm, height of a pixel in mm.
mag = self._openslide.properties[
mag = float(mag) if mag else None
except (KeyError, ValueError, openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError):
mag = None
mm_x = float(self._openslide.properties[
openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X]) * 0.001
mm_y = float(self._openslide.properties[
openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y]) * 0.001
except Exception:
mm_x = mm_y = None
# Estimate the magnification if we don't have a direct value
if mag is None and mm_x is not None:
mag = 0.01 / mm_x
return {
'magnification': mag,
'mm_x': mm_x,
'mm_y': mm_y,
def getTile(self, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False, **kwargs):
self._xyzInRange(x, y, z)
svslevel = self._svslevels[z]
# When we read a region from the SVS, we have to ask for it in the
# SVS level 0 coordinate system. Our x and y is in tile space at the
# specified z level, so the offset in SVS level 0 coordinates has to be
# scaled by the tile size and by the z level.
scale = 2 ** (self.levels - 1 - z)
offsetx = x * self.tileWidth * scale
offsety = y * self.tileHeight * scale
if self._bounds is not None:
offsetx += self._bounds['x'] // svslevel['scale']
offsety += self._bounds['y'] // svslevel['scale']
# We ask to read an area that will cover the tile at the z level. The
# scale we computed in the __init__ process for this svs level tells
# how much larger a region we need to read.
if svslevel['scale'] > 2 ** self._maxSkippedLevels:
tile, format = self._getTileFromEmptyLevel(x, y, z, **kwargs)
retries = 3
while retries > 0:
tile = self._openslide.read_region(
(offsetx, offsety), svslevel['svslevel'],
(self.tileWidth * svslevel['scale'],
self.tileHeight * svslevel['scale']))
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError as exc:
self._largeImagePath = str(self._getLargeImagePath())
msg = (
'Failed to get OpenSlide region '
f'({exc} on {self._largeImagePath}: {self}).')
# Reopen handle after a lowlevel error
self._openslide = openslide.OpenSlide(self._largeImagePath)
except Exception:
raise TileSourceError(msg)
retries -= 1
if retries <= 0:
raise TileSourceError(msg)
# Always scale to the svs level 0 tile size.
if svslevel['scale'] != 1:
tile = tile.resize((self.tileWidth, self.tileHeight),
getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).LANCZOS)
return self._outputTile(tile, format, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed,
numpyAllowed, **kwargs)
def getPreferredLevel(self, level):
Given a desired level (0 is minimum resolution, self.levels - 1 is max
resolution), return the level that contains actual data that is no
lower resolution.
:param level: desired level
:returns level: a level with actual data that is no lower resolution.
level = max(0, min(level, self.levels - 1))
scale = self._svslevels[level]['scale']
while scale > 1:
level += 1
scale /= 2
return level
def _getAssociatedImagesDict(self):
images = {}
for key in self._openslide.associated_images:
images[key] = 'openslide'
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError:
if hasattr(self, '_tiffinfo'):
vendor = self._openslide.properties['openslide.vendor']
for ifdidx, ifd in enumerate(self._tiffinfo['ifds']):
key = None
if vendor == 'hamamatsu':
if tifftools.Tag.NDPI_SOURCELENS.value in ifd['tags']:
lens = ifd['tags'][tifftools.Tag.NDPI_SOURCELENS.value]['data'][0]
key = {-1: 'macro', -2: 'nonempty'}.get(lens)
elif vendor == 'aperio':
if (ifd['tags'].get(tifftools.Tag.NewSubfileType.value) and
ifd['tags'][tifftools.Tag.NewSubfileType.value]['data'][0] &
key = ('label' if ifd['tags'][
tifftools.Tag.NewSubfileType.value]['data'][0] ==
else 'macro')
if key and key not in images:
images[key] = ifdidx
return images
def getAssociatedImagesList(self):
Get a list of all associated images.
:return: the list of image keys.
return sorted(self._getAssociatedImagesDict().keys())
def _getAssociatedImage(self, imageKey):
Get an associated image in PIL format.
:param imageKey: the key of the associated image.
:return: the image in PIL format or None.
images = self._getAssociatedImagesDict()
if imageKey not in images:
return None
if images[imageKey] == 'openslide':
return self._openslide.associated_images[imageKey]
except openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError:
# Reopen handle after a lowlevel error
self._openslide = openslide.OpenSlide(self._largeImagePath)
return None
tiff_buffer = io.BytesIO()
ifd = self._tiffinfo['ifds'][images[imageKey]]
if (tifftools.Tag.Photometric.value in ifd['tags'] and
ifd['tags'][tifftools.Tag.Photometric.value]['data'][0] ==
tifftools.constants.Photometric.RGB and
tifftools.Tag.SamplesPerPixel.value in ifd['tags'] and
ifd['tags'][tifftools.Tag.SamplesPerPixel.value]['data'][0] == 1):
0] = tifftools.constants.Photometric.MinIsBlack
tifftools.write_tiff(ifd, tiff_buffer)
return PIL.Image.open(tiff_buffer)
def open(*args, **kwargs):
Create an instance of the module class.
return OpenslideFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)
def canRead(*args, **kwargs):
Check if an input can be read by the module class.
return OpenslideFileTileSource.canRead(*args, **kwargs)