Source code for large_image_source_deepzoom

import builtins
import math
import os
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import PIL.Image

from large_image.cache_util import LruCacheMetaclass, methodcache
from large_image.constants import TILE_FORMAT_PIL, SourcePriority
from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceError, TileSourceFileNotFoundError
from large_image.tilesource import FileTileSource, etreeToDict

[docs] class DeepzoomFileTileSource(FileTileSource, metaclass=LruCacheMetaclass): """ Provides tile access to a Deepzoom xml (dzi) file and associated pngs/jpegs in relative folders on the local file system. """ cacheName = 'tilesource' name = 'deepzoom' extensions = { None: SourcePriority.LOW, 'dzi': SourcePriority.HIGH, 'dzc': SourcePriority.HIGH, } mimeTypes = { None: SourcePriority.FALLBACK, } def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters. :param path: a filesystem path for the tile source. """ super().__init__(path, **kwargs) self._largeImagePath = self._getLargeImagePath() # Read the root dzi file and check that the expected image files exist try: with as fptr: if[:5] != '<?xml': msg = 'File cannot be opened via deepzoom reader.' raise TileSourceError(msg) xml = ElementTree.parse(self._largeImagePath).getroot() self._info = etreeToDict(xml)['Image'] except (ElementTree.ParseError, KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError): msg = 'File cannot be opened via deepzoom reader.' raise TileSourceError(msg) except FileNotFoundError: if not os.path.isfile(self._largeImagePath): raise TileSourceFileNotFoundError(self._largeImagePath) from None raise # We should now have a dictionary like # {'Format': 'png', # or 'jpeg' # 'Overlap': '1', # 'Size': {'Height': '41784', 'Width': '44998'}, # 'TileSize': '254'} # and a file structure like # <rootname>_files/<level>/<x>_<y>.<format> # images will be TileSize+Overlap square; final images will be # truncated. Base level is either 0 or probably 8 (level 0 is a 1x1 # pixel tile) self.sizeX = int(self._info['Size']['Width']) self.sizeY = int(self._info['Size']['Height']) self.tileWidth = self.tileHeight = int(self._info['TileSize']) maxXY = max(self.sizeX, self.sizeY) self.levels = int(math.ceil( math.log(maxXY / self.tileWidth) / math.log(2))) + 1 tiledirName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._largeImagePath))[0] + '_files' rootdir = os.path.dirname(self._largeImagePath) self._tiledir = os.path.join(rootdir, tiledirName) if not os.path.isdir(self._tiledir): rootdir = os.path.dirname(rootdir) self._tiledir = os.path.join(rootdir, tiledirName) zeroname = '0_0.%s' % self._info['Format'] self._nested = os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._tiledir, '0', zeroname)) zeroimg = os.path.join(self._tiledir, '0', zeroname) if not self._nested else os.path.join(self._tiledir, '0', zeroname, zeroname)) if zeroimg.size == (1, 1): self._baselevel = int( math.ceil(math.log(maxXY) / math.log(2)) - math.ceil(math.log(maxXY / self.tileWidth) / math.log(2))) else: self._baselevel = 0
[docs] def getInternalMetadata(self, **kwargs): """ Return additional known metadata about the tile source. Data returned from this method is not guaranteed to be in any particular format or have specific values. :returns: a dictionary of data or None. """ result = {} result['deepzoom'] = self._info result['baselevel'] = self._baselevel return result
[docs] @methodcache() def getTile(self, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed=False, numpyAllowed=False, **kwargs): self._xyzInRange(x, y, z) tilename = '%d_%d.%s' % (x, y, self._info['Format']) tilepath = os.path.join(self._tiledir, '%d' % (self._baselevel + z), tilename) if self._nested: tilepath = os.path.join(tilepath, tilename) tile = overlap = int(self._info.get('Overlap', 0)) tile = tile.crop(( overlap if x else 0, overlap if y else 0, self.tileWidth + (overlap if x else 0), self.tileHeight + (overlap if y else 0))) return self._outputTile(tile, TILE_FORMAT_PIL, x, y, z, pilImageAllowed, numpyAllowed, **kwargs)
[docs] def open(*args, **kwargs): """Create an instance of the module class.""" return DeepzoomFileTileSource(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def canRead(*args, **kwargs): """Check if an input can be read by the module class.""" return DeepzoomFileTileSource.canRead(*args, **kwargs)