Source code for large_image.tilesource.tiledict

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import PIL
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageColor
import PIL.ImageDraw

from .. import exceptions
from .utilities import ImageBytes, _encodeImage, _imageToNumpy, _imageToPIL

[docs] class LazyTileDict(dict): """ Tiles returned from the tile iterator and dictionaries of information with actual image data in the 'tile' key and the format in the 'format' key. Since some applications need information about the tile but don't need the image data, these two values are lazily computed. The LazyTileDict can be treated like a regular dictionary, except that when either of those two keys are first accessed, they will cause the image to be loaded and possibly converted to a PIL image and cropped. Unless setFormat is called on the tile, tile images may always be returned as PIL images. """ def __init__(self, tileInfo: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Create a LazyTileDict dictionary where there is enough information to load the tile image. ang and kwargs are as for the dict() class. :param tileInfo: a dictionary of x, y, level, format, encoding, crop, and source, used for fetching the tile image. """ self.x = tileInfo['x'] self.y = tileInfo['y'] self.frame = tileInfo.get('frame') self.level = tileInfo['level'] self.format = tileInfo['format'] self.encoding = tileInfo['encoding'] self.crop = tileInfo['crop'] self.source = tileInfo['source'] self.resample = tileInfo.get('resample', False) self.requestedScale = tileInfo.get('requestedScale') self.metadata = cast(Dict[str, Any], tileInfo.get('metadata')) self.retile = tileInfo.get('retile') and self.metadata self.deferredKeys = ('tile', 'format') self.alwaysAllowPIL = True self.imageKwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.loaded = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # We set this initially so that they are listed in known keys using the # native dictionary methods self['tile'] = None self['format'] = None self.width = self['width'] self.height = self['height']
[docs] def setFormat( self, format: Tuple[str, ...], resample: bool = False, imageKwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """ Set a more restrictive output format for a tile, possibly also resizing it via resampling. If this is not called, the tile may either be returned as one of the specified formats or as a PIL image. :param format: a tuple or list of allowed formats. Formats are members of TILE_FORMAT_*. This will avoid converting images if they are in the desired output encoding (regardless of subparameters). :param resample: if not False or None, allow resampling. Once turned on, this cannot be turned off on the tile. :param imageKwargs: additional parameters that should be passed to _encodeImage. """ # If any parameters are changed, mark the tile as not loaded, so that # referring to a deferredKey will reload the image. self.alwaysAllowPIL = False if format is not None and format != self.format: self.format = format self.loaded = False if (resample not in (False, None) and not self.resample and self.requestedScale and round(self.requestedScale, 2) != 1.0): self.resample = resample self['scaled'] = 1.0 / self.requestedScale self['tile_x'] = self.get('tile_x', self['x']) self['tile_y'] = self.get('tile_y', self['y']) self['tile_width'] = self.get('tile_width', self.width) self['tile_height'] = self.get('tile_width', self.height) if self.get('magnification', None): self['tile_magnification'] = self.get('tile_magnification', self['magnification']) self['tile_mm_x'] = self.get('mm_x') self['tile_mm_y'] = self.get('mm_y') self['x'] = float(self['tile_x']) self['y'] = float(self['tile_y']) # Add provisional width and height if self.resample not in (False, None) and self.requestedScale: self['width'] = max(1, int( self['tile_width'] / self.requestedScale)) self['height'] = max(1, int( self['tile_height'] / self.requestedScale)) if self.get('tile_magnification', None): self['magnification'] = self['tile_magnification'] / self.requestedScale if self.get('tile_mm_x', None): self['mm_x'] = self['tile_mm_x'] * self.requestedScale if self.get('tile_mm_y', None): self['mm_y'] = self['tile_mm_y'] * self.requestedScale # If we can resample the tile, many parameters may change once the # image is loaded. Don't include width and height in this list; # the provisional values are sufficient. self.deferredKeys = ('tile', 'format') self.loaded = False if imageKwargs is not None: self.imageKwargs = imageKwargs self.loaded = False
def _retileTile(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Given the tile information, create a numpy array and merge multiple tiles together to form a tile of a different size. """ tileWidth = self.metadata['tileWidth'] tileHeight = self.metadata['tileHeight'] level = self.level frame = self.frame width = self.width height = self.height tx = self['x'] ty = self['y'] retile = None xmin = int(max(0, tx // tileWidth)) xmax = int((tx + width - 1) // tileWidth + 1) ymin = int(max(0, ty // tileHeight)) ymax = int((ty + height - 1) // tileHeight + 1) for y in range(ymin, ymax): for x in range(xmin, xmax): tileData = self.source.getTile( x, y, level, numpyAllowed='always', sparseFallback=True, frame=frame) if not isinstance(tileData, np.ndarray) or len(tileData.shape) != 3: tileData, _ = _imageToNumpy(tileData) x0 = int(x * tileWidth - tx) y0 = int(y * tileHeight - ty) if x0 < 0: tileData = tileData[:, -x0:] x0 = 0 if y0 < 0: tileData = tileData[-y0:, :] y0 = 0 tw = min(tileData.shape[1], width - x0) th = min(tileData.shape[0], height - y0) if retile is None: retile = np.empty((height, width, tileData.shape[2]), dtype=tileData.dtype) elif tileData.shape[2] < retile.shape[2]: retile = retile[:, :, :tileData.shape[2]] retile[y0:y0 + th, x0:x0 + tw] = tileData[ :th, :tw, :retile.shape[2]] # type: ignore[misc] return cast(np.ndarray, retile) def _resample(self, tileData: Union[ImageBytes, PIL.Image.Image, bytes, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[ Union[ImageBytes, PIL.Image.Image, bytes, np.ndarray], Optional[PIL.Image.Image], ]: """ If we need to resample a tile, use PIL if it is uint8 or we are using a specific resampling mode that is PIL-specific. Otherwise, use skimage if available. :param tileData: the image to scale. :returns: tileData, pilData. pilData will be None if the results are a numpy array. """ pilData = None if self.resample in (False, None) or not self.requestedScale: return tileData, pilData pilResize = True if (isinstance(tileData, np.ndarray) and tileData.dtype != np.uint8 and TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in self.format and self.resample in {True, 2, 3}): try: import skimage.transform pilResize = False except ImportError: pass if pilResize: pilData = _imageToPIL(tileData) self['width'] = max(1, int( pilData.size[0] / self.requestedScale)) self['height'] = max(1, int( pilData.size[1] / self.requestedScale)) pilData = tileData = pilData.resize( (self['width'], self['height']), resample=getattr(PIL.Image, 'Resampling', PIL.Image).LANCZOS if self.resample is True else self.resample) else: tileData = skimage.transform.resize( cast(np.ndarray, tileData), (self['width'], self['height'], cast(np.ndarray, tileData).shape[2]), # type: ignore[misc] order=3 if self.resample is True else self.resample) return tileData, pilData def __getitem__(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ If this is the first time either the tile or format key is requested, load the tile image data. Otherwise, just return the internal dictionary result. See the base dict class for function details. """ if not self.loaded and key in self.deferredKeys: # Flag this immediately to avoid recursion if we refer to the # tile's own values. self.loaded = True if not self.retile: tileData = self.source.getTile( self.x, self.y, self.level, pilImageAllowed=True, numpyAllowed='always' if TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in self.format else True, sparseFallback=True, frame=self.frame) if self.crop: tileData, _ = _imageToNumpy(tileData) tileData = tileData[self.crop[1]:self.crop[3], self.crop[0]:self.crop[2]] else: tileData = self._retileTile() pilData = None # resample if needed if self.resample not in (False, None) and self.requestedScale: tileData, pilData = self._resample(tileData) tileFormat = (TILE_FORMAT_PIL if isinstance(tileData, PIL.Image.Image) else (TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY if isinstance(tileData, np.ndarray) else TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE)) tileEncoding = None if tileFormat != TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE else ( 'JPEG' if tileData[:3] == b'\xff\xd8\xff' else 'PNG' if tileData[:4] == b'\x89PNG' else 'TIFF' if tileData[:4] == b'II\x2a\x00' else None) # Reformat the image if required if (not self.alwaysAllowPIL or (TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in self.format and isinstance(tileData, np.ndarray))): if (tileFormat in self.format and (tileFormat != TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE or ( tileEncoding and tileEncoding == self.imageKwargs.get('encoding', self.encoding)))): # already in an acceptable format pass elif TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in self.format: tileData, _ = _imageToNumpy(tileData) tileFormat = TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY elif TILE_FORMAT_PIL in self.format: tileData = pilData if pilData is not None else _imageToPIL(tileData) tileFormat = TILE_FORMAT_PIL elif TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE in self.format: tileData, _ = _encodeImage(tileData, **self.imageKwargs) tileFormat = TILE_FORMAT_IMAGE if tileFormat not in self.format: raise exceptions.TileSourceError( 'Cannot yield tiles in desired format %r' % ( self.format, )) elif (TILE_FORMAT_PIL not in self.format and TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY in self.format and not isinstance(tileData, PIL.Image.Image)): tileData, _ = _imageToNumpy(tileData) tileFormat = TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY else: tileData = pilData if pilData is not None else _imageToPIL(tileData) tileFormat = TILE_FORMAT_PIL self['tile'] = tileData self['format'] = tileFormat return super().__getitem__(key, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def release(self) -> None: """ If the tile has been loaded, unload it. It can be loaded again. This is useful if you want to keep tiles available in memory but not their actual tile data. """ if self.loaded: self.loaded = False for key in self.deferredKeys: self[key] = None