Source code for large_image.tilesource.stylefuncs

# This module contains functions for use in styles

from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .utilities import _imageToNumpy, _imageToPIL

[docs] def maskPixelValues( image: np.ndarray, context: SimpleNamespace, values: List[Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]], negative: Optional[int] = None, positive: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ This is a style utility function that returns a black-and-white 8-bit image where the image is white if the pixel of the source image is in a list of values and black otherwise. The values is a list where each entry can either be a tuple the same length as the band dimension of the output image or a single value which is handled as 0xBBGGRR. :param image: a numpy array of Y, X, Bands. :param context: the style context. context.image is the source image :param values: an array of values, each of which is either an array of the same number of bands as the source image or a single value of the form 0xBBGGRR assuming uint8 data. :param negative: None to use [0, 0, 0, 255], or an RGBA uint8 value for pixels not in the value list. :param positive: None to use [255, 255, 255, 0], or an RGBA uint8 value for pixels in the value list. :returns: an RGBA numpy image which is exactly black or transparent white. """ src = context.image mask = np.full(src.shape[:2], False) for val in values: vallist: List[float] if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): if src.shape[-1] == 1: vallist = [val] else: vallist = [val % 256, val // 256 % 256, val // 65536 % 256] else: vallist = list(val) vallist = (vallist + [255] * src.shape[2])[:src.shape[2]] match = np.array(vallist) mask = mask | (src == match).all(axis=-1) image[mask != True] = negative or [0, 0, 0, 255] # noqa E712 image[mask] = positive or [255, 255, 255, 0] image = image.astype(np.uint8) return image
[docs] def medianFilter( image: np.ndarray, context: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None, kernel: int = 5, weight: float = 1.0) -> np.ndarray: """ This is a style utility function that applies a median rank filter to the image to sharpen it. :param image: a numpy array of Y, X, Bands. :param context: the style context. context.image is the source image :param kernel: the filter kernel size. :param weight: the weight of the difference between the image and the filtered image that is used to add into the image. 0 is no effect/ :returns: an numpy image which is the filtered version of the source. """ import PIL.ImageFilter filt = PIL.ImageFilter.MedianFilter(kernel) if len(image.shape) != 3: pilimg = _imageToPIL(image) elif image.shape[2] >= 3: pilimg = _imageToPIL(image[:, :, :3]) else: pilimg = _imageToPIL(image[:, :, :1]) fimg = _imageToNumpy(pilimg.filter(filt))[0] mul: float = 0 clip = 0 if image.dtype == np.uint8 or ( image.dtype.kind == 'f' and 1 < np.max(image) < 256 and np.min(image) >= 0): mul = 1 clip = 255 elif image.dtype == np.uint16 or ( image.dtype.kind == 'f' and 1 < np.max(image) < 65536 and np.min(image) >= 0): mul = 257 clip = 65535 elif image.dtype == np.uint32: mul = (2 ** 32 - 1) / 255 clip = 2 ** 32 - 1 elif image.dtype.kind == 'f': mul = 1 if mul: pimg: np.ndarray = image.astype(float) if len(pimg.shape) == 2: pimg = np.resize(pimg, (pimg.shape[0], pimg.shape[1], 1)) pimg = pimg[:, :, :fimg.shape[2]] # type: ignore[index,misc] dimg = (pimg - fimg.astype(float) * mul) * weight pimg = pimg[:, :, :fimg.shape[2]] + dimg # type: ignore[index,misc] if clip: pimg = pimg.clip(0, clip) if len(image.shape) != 3: image[:, :] = np.resize(pimg.astype(image.dtype), (pimg.shape[0], pimg.shape[1])) else: image[:, :, :fimg.shape[2]] = pimg.astype(image.dtype) return image