Source code for large_image.tilesource.resample

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

[docs] class ResampleMethod(Enum): PIL_NEAREST = Image.Resampling.NEAREST # 0 PIL_LANCZOS = Image.Resampling.LANCZOS # 1 PIL_BILINEAR = Image.Resampling.BILINEAR # 2 PIL_BICUBIC = Image.Resampling.BICUBIC # 3 PIL_BOX = Image.Resampling.BOX # 4 PIL_HAMMING = Image.Resampling.HAMMING # 5 PIL_MAX_ENUM = 5 NP_MEAN = 6 NP_MEDIAN = 7 NP_MODE = 8 NP_MAX = 9 NP_MIN = 10 NP_NEAREST = 11 NP_MAX_COLOR = 12 NP_MIN_COLOR = 13
[docs] def pilResize( tile: np.ndarray, new_shape: Dict, resample_method: ResampleMethod, ) -> np.ndarray: # Only NEAREST works for 16 bit images img = Image.fromarray(tile) resized_img = img.resize( (new_shape['width'], new_shape['height']), resample=resample_method.value, ) result = np.array(resized_img).astype(tile.dtype) return result
[docs] def numpyResize( tile: np.ndarray, new_shape: Dict, resample_method: ResampleMethod, ) -> np.ndarray: if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_NEAREST: return tile[::2, ::2] if tile.shape[0] % 2 != 0: tile = np.append(tile, np.expand_dims(tile[-1], axis=0), axis=0) if tile.shape[1] % 2 != 0: tile = np.append(tile, np.expand_dims(tile[:, -1], axis=1), axis=1) pixel_selection = None subarrays = np.asarray( [ tile[0::2, 0::2], tile[1::2, 0::2], tile[0::2, 1::2], tile[1::2, 1::2], ], ) if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MEAN: return np.mean(subarrays, axis=0).astype(tile.dtype) if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MEDIAN: return np.median(subarrays, axis=0).astype(tile.dtype) if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MAX: return np.max(subarrays, axis=0).astype(tile.dtype) if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MIN: return np.min(subarrays, axis=0).astype(tile.dtype) if resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MAX_COLOR: summed = np.sum(subarrays, axis=3) pixel_selection = np.argmax(summed, axis=0) elif resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MIN_COLOR: summed = np.sum(subarrays, axis=3) pixel_selection = np.argmin(summed, axis=0) elif resample_method == ResampleMethod.NP_MODE: # if a pixel occurs twice in a set of four, it is a mode # if no mode, default to pixel 0. check for minimal matches 1=2, 1=3, 2=3 pixel_selection = np.where( ( (subarrays[1] == subarrays[2]).all(axis=2) | (subarrays[1] == subarrays[3]).all(axis=2) ), 1, np.where( (subarrays[2] == subarrays[3]).all(axis=2), 2, 0, ), ) if pixel_selection is not None: if len(tile.shape) > 2: pixel_selection = np.expand_dims(pixel_selection, axis=2) pixel_selection = np.repeat(pixel_selection, tile.shape[2], axis=2) return np.choose(pixel_selection, subarrays).astype(tile.dtype) msg = f'Unknown resample method {resample_method}.' raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def downsampleTileHalfRes( tile: np.ndarray, resample_method: ResampleMethod, ) -> np.ndarray: new_shape = { 'height': (tile.shape[0] + 1) // 2, 'width': (tile.shape[1] + 1) // 2, 'bands': 1, } if len(tile.shape) > 2: new_shape['bands'] = tile.shape[-1] if resample_method.value <= ResampleMethod.PIL_MAX_ENUM.value: if new_shape['bands'] > 4: result = np.empty( (new_shape['height'], new_shape['width'], new_shape['bands']), dtype=tile.dtype, ) for band_index in range(new_shape['bands']): result[(..., band_index)] = pilResize( tile[(..., band_index)], new_shape, resample_method, ) return result return pilResize(tile, new_shape, resample_method) return numpyResize(tile, new_shape, resample_method)