Source code for large_image.tilesource.jupyter

"""A vanilla REST interface to a ``TileSource``.

This is intended for use in JupyterLab and not intended to be used as a full
fledged REST API. Only two endpoints are exposed with minimal options:

* `/metadata`
* `/tile?z={z}&x={x}&y={y}&encoding=png`

We use Tornado because it is Jupyter's web server and will not require Jupyter
users to install any additional dependencies. Also, Tornado doesn't require us
to manage a separate thread for the web server.

Please note that this webserver will not work with Classic Notebook and will
likely lead to crashes. This is only for use in JupyterLab.

import importlib.util
import json
import os
import re
import weakref
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from large_image.exceptions import TileSourceXYZRangeError
from large_image.tilesource.utilities import JSONDict

ipyleafletPresent = importlib.util.find_spec('ipyleaflet') is not None

[docs] class IPyLeafletMixin: """Mixin class to support interactive visualization in JupyterLab. This class implements ``_ipython_display_`` with ``ipyleaflet`` to display an interactive image visualizer for the tile source in JupyterLab. Install `ipyleaflet <>`_ to interactively visualize tile sources in JupyterLab. For remote JupyterHub environments, you may need to configure the class variables ``JUPYTER_HOST`` or ``JUPYTER_PROXY``. If ``JUPYTER_PROXY`` is set, it overrides ``JUPYTER_HOST``. Use ``JUPYTER_HOST`` to set the host name of the machine such that the tile URL can be accessed at ``'http://{JUPYTER_HOST}:{port}'``. Use ``JUPYTER_PROXY`` to leverage ``jupyter-server-proxy`` to proxy the tile serving port through Jupyter's authenticated web interface. This is useful in Docker and cloud JupyterHub environments. You can set the environment variable ``LARGE_IMAGE_JUPYTER_PROXY`` to control the default value of ``JUPYTER_PROXY``. If ``JUPYTER_PROXY`` is set to ``True``, the default will be ``'/proxy/`` which will work for most Docker Jupyter configurations. If in a cloud JupyterHub environment, this will get a bit more nuanced as the ``JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX`` may need to prefix the ``'/proxy/'``. To programmatically set these values: .. code:: from large_image.tilesource.jupyter import IPyLeafletMixin # Only set one of these values # Use a custom domain (avoids port proxying) IPyLeafletMixin.JUPYTER_HOST = 'mydomain' # Proxy in a standard JupyterLab environment IPyLeafletMixin.JUPYTER_PROXY = True # defaults to `/proxy/` # Proxy in a cloud JupyterHub environment IPyLeafletMixin.JUPYTER_PROXY = '/jupyter/user/username/proxy/' # See if ``JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX`` is in the environment # variables to improve this """ JUPYTER_HOST = '' JUPYTER_PROXY = os.environ.get('LARGE_IMAGE_JUPYTER_PROXY', False) _jupyter_server_manager: Any def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self._jupyter_server_manager = None self._map = Map() if ipyleafletPresent: self.to_map = self._map.to_map self.from_map = self._map.from_map
[docs] def as_leaflet_layer(self, **kwargs) -> Any: # NOTE: `as_leaflet_layer` is supported by ipyleaflet.Map.add if self._jupyter_server_manager is None: # Must relaunch to ensure style updates work self._jupyter_server_manager = launch_tile_server(self) else: # Must update the source on the manager in case the previous reference is bad self._jupyter_server_manager.tile_source = self port = self._jupyter_server_manager.port if self.JUPYTER_PROXY: if isinstance(self.JUPYTER_PROXY, str): base_url = f'{self.JUPYTER_PROXY.rstrip("/")}/{port}' else: base_url = f'/proxy/{port}' else: base_url = f'http://{self.JUPYTER_HOST}:{port}' # Use repr in URL params to prevent caching across sources/styles endpoint = f'tile?z={{z}}&x={{x}}&y={{y}}&encoding=png&repr={self!r}' return self._map.make_layer( self.metadata, # type: ignore[attr-defined] f'{base_url}/{endpoint}')
# Only make _ipython_display_ available if ipyleaflet is installed if ipyleafletPresent: def _ipython_display_(self) -> Any: from IPython.display import display t = self.as_leaflet_layer() return display(self._map.make_map( self.metadata, t, self.getCenter(srs='EPSG:4326'))) # type: ignore[attr-defined] @property def iplmap(self) -> Any: """ If using ipyleaflets, get access to the map object. """ return
[docs] class Map: """ An IPyLeafletMap representation of a large image. """ def __init__( self, *, ts: Optional[IPyLeafletMixin] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, gc: Optional[Any] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, resource: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Specify the large image to be used with the IPyLeaflet Map. One of (a) a tile source, (b) metadata dictionary and tile url, (c) girder client and item or file id, or (d) girder client and resource path must be specified. :param ts: a TileSource. :param metadata: a metadata dictionary as returned by a tile source or a girder item/{id}/tiles endpoint. :param url: a slippy map template url to fetch tiles (e.g., .../item/{id}/tiles/zxy/{z}/{x}/{y}?params=...) :param gc: an authenticated girder client. :param id: an item id that exists on the girder client. :param resource: a girder resource path of an item or file that exists on the girder client. """ self._layer = self._map = self._metadata = self._frame_slider = None self._ts = ts if (not url or not metadata) and gc and (id or resource): fileId = None if id is None: entry = gc.get('resource/lookup', parameters={'path': resource}) if entry: if entry.get('_modelType') == 'file': fileId = entry['_id'] id = entry['itemId'] if entry.get('_modelType') == 'file' else entry['_id'] if id: try: metadata = gc.get(f'item/{id}/tiles') except Exception: pass if metadata: url = gc.urlBase + f'item/{id}/tiles' + '/zxy/{z}/{x}/{y}' if metadata.get('geospatial'): suffix = '?projection=EPSG:3857&encoding=PNG' metadata = gc.get(f'item/{id}/tiles' + suffix) if (cast(Dict, metadata).get('geospatial') and cast(Dict, metadata).get('projection')): url += suffix # type: ignore[operator] self._id = id else: self._ts = self._get_temp_source(gc, cast(str, fileId or id)) if url and metadata: self._metadata = metadata self._url = url self._layer = self.make_layer(metadata, url) self._map = self.make_map(metadata) if ipyleafletPresent: def _ipython_display_(self) -> Any: from IPython.display import display if self._map: return display(self._map) if self._ts: t = self._ts.as_leaflet_layer() return display(self._ts._map.make_map( self._ts.metadata, # type: ignore[attr-defined] t, self._ts.getCenter(srs='EPSG:4326'))) # type: ignore[attr-defined] def _get_temp_source(self, gc: Any, id: str) -> IPyLeafletMixin: """ If the server isn't large_image enabled, download the file to view it. """ import tempfile import large_image try: item = gc.get(f'item/{id}') except Exception: item = None if not item: file = gc.get(f'file/{id}') else: file = gc.get(f'item/{id}/files', parameters={'limit': 1})[0] self._tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.' + file['name'].split('.', 1)[-1]) gc.downloadFile(file['_id'], self._tempfile) return
[docs] def make_layer(self, metadata: Dict, url: str, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Create an ipyleaflet tile layer given large_image metadata and a tile url. """ from ipyleaflet import TileLayer self._geospatial = metadata.get('geospatial') and metadata.get('projection') if 'bounds' not in kwargs and not self._geospatial: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs['bounds'] = [[0, 0], [metadata['sizeY'], metadata['sizeX']]] layer = TileLayer( url=url, # attribution='Tiles served with large-image', min_zoom=0, max_native_zoom=metadata['levels'] - 1, max_zoom=20, tile_size=metadata['tileWidth'], **kwargs, ) self._layer = layer if not self._metadata: self._metadata = metadata return layer
[docs] def make_map( self, metadata: Dict, layer: Optional[Any] = None, center: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None) -> Any: """ Create an ipyleaflet map given large_image metadata, an optional ipyleaflet layer, and the center of the tile source. """ from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps, projections from ipywidgets import IntSlider, VBox try: default_zoom = metadata['levels'] - metadata['sourceLevels'] except KeyError: default_zoom = 0 self._geospatial = metadata.get('geospatial') and metadata.get('projection') if self._geospatial: # TODO: better handle other projections crs = projections.EPSG3857 else: crs = dict( name='PixelSpace', custom=True, resolutions=[2 ** (metadata['levels'] - 1 - l) for l in range(20)], proj4def='+proj=longlat +axis=esu', bounds=[[0, 0], [metadata['sizeX'], metadata['sizeY']]], origin=[0, metadata['sizeY']], ) layer = layer or self._layer if center is None: if 'bounds' in metadata and 'projection' in metadata: import pyproj bounds = metadata['bounds'] center = ( (bounds['ymax'] + bounds['ymin']) / 2, (bounds['xmax'] + bounds['xmin']) / 2, ) transf = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( metadata['projection'], 'EPSG:4326', always_xy=True) center = tuple(transf.transform(center[1], center[0])[::-1]) else: center = (metadata['sizeY'] / 2, metadata['sizeX'] / 2) children: List[Any] = [] frames = metadata.get('frames') if frames is not None: self._frame_slider = IntSlider( value=0, min=0, max=len(frames) - 1, description='Frame:', ) if self._frame_slider: self._frame_slider.observe(self.update_frame, names='value') children.append(self._frame_slider) m = Map( crs=crs, basemap=basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik if self._geospatial else layer, center=center, zoom=default_zoom, max_zoom=metadata['levels'] + 1, min_zoom=0, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, dragging=True, attribution_control=False, ) if self._geospatial: m.add_layer(layer) self._map = m children.append(m) return VBox(children)
@property def layer(self) -> Any: return self._layer @property def map(self) -> Any: return self._map @property def metadata(self) -> JSONDict: return JSONDict(self._metadata) @property def id(self) -> Optional[str]: return getattr(self, '_id', None)
[docs] def to_map(self, coordinate: Union[List[float], Tuple[float, float]]) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Convert a coordinate from the image or projected image space to the map space. :param coordinate: a two-tuple that is x, y in pixel space or x, y in image projection space. :returns: a two-tuple that is in the map space coordinates. """ x, y = coordinate[:2] if not self._metadata: return y, x if self._geospatial: import pyproj transf = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( self._metadata['projection'], 'EPSG:4326', always_xy=True) return tuple(transf.transform(x, y)[::-1]) return self._metadata['sizeY'] - y, x
[docs] def from_map(self, coordinate: Union[List[float], Tuple[float, float]]) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ :param coordinate: a two-tuple that is in the map space coordinates. :returns: a two-tuple that is x, y in pixel space or x, y in image projection space. """ y, x = coordinate[:2] if not self._metadata: return x, y if self._geospatial: import pyproj transf = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( 'EPSG:4326', self._metadata['projection'], always_xy=True) return transf.transform(x, y) return x, self._metadata['sizeY'] - y
[docs] def update_frame(self, event, **kwargs): frame = int(event.get('new')) if self._layer: if 'frame=' in self._layer.url: self._layer.url = re.sub(r'frame=(\d+)', f'frame={frame}', self._layer.url) else: if '?' in self._layer.url: self._layer.url = self._layer.url.replace('?', f'?frame={frame}&') else: self._layer.url += f'?frame={frame}' self._layer.redraw()
[docs] def launch_tile_server(tile_source: IPyLeafletMixin, port: int = 0) -> Any: import tornado.httpserver import tornado.netutil import tornado.web class RequestManager: def __init__(self, tile_source: IPyLeafletMixin) -> None: self._tile_source_ = weakref.ref(tile_source) self._ports = () @property def tile_source(self) -> IPyLeafletMixin: return cast(IPyLeafletMixin, self._tile_source_()) @tile_source.setter def tile_source(self, source: IPyLeafletMixin) -> None: self._tile_source_ = weakref.ref(source) @property def ports(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return self._ports @property def port(self) -> int: return self.ports[0] manager = RequestManager(tile_source) # NOTE: set `ports` manually after launching server class TileSourceMetadataHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """REST endpoint to get image metadata.""" def get(self) -> None: self.write(json.dumps(manager.tile_source.metadata)) # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') class TileSourceTileHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """REST endpoint to serve tiles from image in slippy maps standard.""" def get(self) -> None: x = int(self.get_argument('x')) y = int(self.get_argument('y')) z = int(self.get_argument('z')) frame = int(self.get_argument('frame', default='0')) encoding = self.get_argument('encoding', 'PNG') try: tile_binary = manager.tile_source.getTile( # type: ignore[attr-defined] x, y, z, encoding=encoding, frame=frame) except TileSourceXYZRangeError as e: self.clear() self.set_status(404) self.finish(f'<html><body>{e}</body></html>') else: self.write(tile_binary) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'image/png') app = tornado.web.Application([ (r'/metadata', TileSourceMetadataHandler), (r'/tile', TileSourceTileHandler), ]) sockets = tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(port, '') server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app) server.add_sockets(sockets) manager._ports = tuple(s.getsockname()[1] for s in sockets) return manager