Source code for large_image.config

import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, cast

from . import exceptions

    import psutil
    HAS_PSUTIL = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PSUTIL = False

# Default logger
fallbackLogger = logging.getLogger('large_image')
fallbackLogHandler = logging.NullHandler()

def _in_notebook() -> bool:
    Try to detect if we are in an interactvie notebook.

    :returns: True if we think we are in an interactive notebook.
        shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__  # type: ignore[name-defined]
        # Jupyter
        if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
            return True
        return False
    except NameError:
        return False

ConfigValues = {
    'logger': fallbackLogger,
    'logprint': fallbackLogger,

    # For tiles
    'cache_backend': None,  # 'python', 'redis' or 'memcached'
    # 'python' cache can use 1/(val) of the available memory
    'cache_python_memory_portion': 32,
    # cache_memcached_url may be a list
    'cache_memcached_url': '',
    'cache_memcached_username': None,
    'cache_memcached_password': None,
    'cache_redis_url': '',
    'cache_redis_password': None,

    # If set to False, the default will be to not cache tile sources.  This has
    # substantial performance penalties if sources are used multiple times, so
    # should only be set in singular dynamic environments such as experimental
    # notebooks.
    'cache_sources': not _in_notebook(),

    # Generally, these keys are the form of "cache_<cacheName>_<key>"

    # For tilesources.  These are also limited by available file handles.
    # 'python' cache can use 1/(val) of the available memory based on a very
    # rough estimate of the amount of memory used by a tilesource
    'cache_tilesource_memory_portion': 16,
    # If >0, this is the maximum number of tilesources that will be cached
    'cache_tilesource_maximum': 0,

    'max_small_image_size': 4096,

    # Should ICC color correction be applied by default
    'icc_correction': True,

    # The maximum size of an annotation file that will be ingested into girder
    # via direct load
    'max_annotation_input_file_length': 1 * 1024 ** 3 if not HAS_PSUTIL else max(
        1 * 1024 ** 3, psutil.virtual_memory().total // 16),

    # Any path that matches here will only be opened by a source that matches
    # extension or mime type.
    'all_sources_ignored_names': r'(\.mrxs|\.vsi)$',

# Fix when we drop Python 3.8 to just be @functools.cache
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def getConfig(key: Optional[str] = None, default: Optional[Union[str, bool, int, logging.Logger]] = None) -> Any: """ Get the config dictionary or a value from the cache config settings. :param key: if None, return the config dictionary. Otherwise, return the value of the key if it is set or the default value if it is not. :param default: a value to return if a key is requested and not set. :returns: either the config dictionary or the value of a key. """ if key is None: return ConfigValues envKey = f'LARGE_IMAGE_{key.replace(".", "_").upper()}' if envKey in os.environ: value = os.environ[envKey] if value == '__default__': return default try: value = json.loads(value) except ValueError: pass return value return ConfigValues.get(key, default)
[docs] def getLogger(key: Optional[str] = None, default: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> logging.Logger: """ Get a logger from the config. Ensure that it is a valid logger. :param key: if None, return the 'logger'. :param default: a value to return if a key is requested and not set. :returns: a logger. """ logger = cast(logging.Logger, getConfig(key or 'logger', default)) if not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): logger = fallbackLogger return logger
[docs] def setConfig(key: str, value: Optional[Union[str, bool, int, logging.Logger]]) -> None: """ Set a value in the config settings. :param key: the key to set. :param value: the value to store in the key. """ curConfig = getConfig() if curConfig.get(key) is not value: curConfig[key] = value getConfig.cache_clear()
def _ignoreSourceNames( configKey: str, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], default: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Given a path, if it is an actual file and there is a setting "source_<configKey>_ignored_names", raise a TileSourceError if the path matches the ignore names setting regex in a case-insensitive search. :param configKey: key to use to fetch value from settings. :param path: the file path to check. :param default: a default ignore regex, or None for no default. """ ignored_names = getConfig('source_%s_ignored_names' % configKey) or default if not ignored_names or not os.path.isfile(path): return if, os.path.basename(path), flags=re.IGNORECASE): raise exceptions.TileSourceError('File will not be opened by %s reader' % configKey)
[docs] def cpu_count(logical: bool = True) -> int: """ Get the usable CPU count. If psutil is available, it is used, since it can determine the number of physical CPUS versus logical CPUs. This returns the smaller of that value from psutil and the number of cpus allowed by the os scheduler, which means that for physical requests (logical=False), the returned value may be more the the number of physical cpus that are usable. :param logical: True to get the logical usable CPUs (which include hyperthreading). False for the physical usable CPUs. :returns: the number of usable CPUs. """ count = os.cpu_count() or 2 try: count = min(count, len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))) except AttributeError: pass if HAS_PSUTIL: count = min(count, psutil.cpu_count(logical) or count) return max(1, count)
[docs] def total_memory() -> int: """ Get the total memory in the system. If this is in a container, try to determine the memory available to the cgroup. :returns: the available memory in bytes, or 8 GB if unknown. """ mem = 0 if HAS_PSUTIL: mem = psutil.virtual_memory().total try: cgroup = int(open('/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes').read().strip()) if 1024 ** 3 <= cgroup < 1024 ** 4 and (mem is None or cgroup < mem): mem = cgroup except Exception: pass if mem: return mem return 8 * 1024 ** 3
[docs] def minimizeCaching(mode=None): """ Set python cache sizes to very low values. :param mode: None for all caching, 'tile' for the tile cache, 'source' for the source cache. """ if not mode or str(mode).lower().startswith('source'): setConfig('cache_tilesource_maximum', 1) if not mode or str(mode).lower().startswith('tile'): setConfig('cache_backend', 'python') setConfig('cache_python_memory_portion', 256)