Source code for large_image.cache_util.memcache

#  Copyright Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import copy
import threading
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

from .. import config
from .base import BaseCache

_VT = TypeVar('_VT')

[docs] class MemCache(BaseCache): """Use memcached as the backing cache.""" def __init__( self, url: Union[str, List[str]] = '', username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, getsizeof: Optional[Callable[[_VT], float]] = None, mustBeAvailable: bool = False) -> None: import pylibmc self.pylibmc = pylibmc super().__init__(0, getsizeof=getsizeof) if isinstance(url, str): url = [url] # pylibmc used to connect to memcached client. Set failover behavior. # See behaviors = { 'tcp_nodelay': True, 'ketama': True, 'no_block': True, 'retry_timeout': 1, 'dead_timeout': 10, } # Adding remove_failed prevents recovering in a single memcached server # instance, so only do it if there are multiple servers if len(url) > 1: behaviors['remove_failed'] = 1 # name mangling to override 'private variable' __data in cache self._clientParams = (url, dict( binary=True, username=username, password=password, behaviors=behaviors)) self._client = pylibmc.Client(self._clientParams[0], **self._clientParams[1]) if mustBeAvailable: # Try to set a value; this will throw an error if the server is # unreachable, so we don't bother trying to use it. self._client['large_image_cache_test'] = time.time() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Memcache doesn't list its keys" def __iter__(self): # return invalid iter return None def __len__(self) -> int: # return invalid length return -1 def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: # cache never contains key return False def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: hashedKey = self._hashKey(key) del self._client[hashedKey] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: hashedKey = self._hashKey(key) try: return self._client[hashedKey] except KeyError: return self.__missing__(key) except self.pylibmc.ServerDown: self.logError(self.pylibmc.ServerDown, config.getLogger('logprint').info, 'Memcached ServerDown') self._reconnect() return self.__missing__(key) except self.pylibmc.Error: self.logError(self.pylibmc.Error, config.getLogger('logprint').exception, 'pylibmc exception') return self.__missing__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: hashedKey = self._hashKey(key) try: self._client[hashedKey] = value except (TypeError, KeyError) as exc: valueSize = value.shape if hasattr(value, 'shape') else ( value.size if hasattr(value, 'size') else ( len(value) if hasattr(value, '__len__') else None)) valueRepr = repr(value) if len(valueRepr) > 500: valueRepr = valueRepr[:500] + '...' self.logError( exc.__class__, config.getLogger('logprint').error, '%s: Failed to save value (size %r) with key %s' % ( exc.__class__.__name__, valueSize, hashedKey)) except self.pylibmc.ServerDown: self.logError(self.pylibmc.ServerDown, config.getLogger('logprint').info, 'Memcached ServerDown') self._reconnect() except self.pylibmc.TooBig: pass except self.pylibmc.Error as exc: # memcached won't cache items larger than 1 Mb (or a configured # size), but this returns a 'SUCCESS' error. Raise other errors. if 'SUCCESS' not in repr(exc.args): self.logError(self.pylibmc.Error, config.getLogger('logprint').exception, 'pylibmc exception') @property def curritems(self) -> int: return self._getStat('curr_items') @property def currsize(self) -> int: return self._getStat('bytes') @property def maxsize(self) -> int: return self._getStat('limit_maxbytes') def _reconnect(self) -> None: try: self._lastReconnectBackoff = getattr(self, '_lastReconnectBackoff', 2) if time.time() - getattr(self, '_lastReconnect', 0) > self._lastReconnectBackoff: config.getLogger('logprint').info('Trying to reconnect to memcached server') self._client = self.pylibmc.Client(self._clientParams[0], **self._clientParams[1]) self._lastReconnectBackoff = min(self._lastReconnectBackoff + 1, 30) self._lastReconnect = time.time() except Exception: pass def _blockingClient(self) -> Any: params = copy.deepcopy(self._clientParams) params[1]['behaviors']['no_block'] = False # type: ignore return self.pylibmc.Client(params[0], **params[1]) def _getStat(self, key: str) -> int: try: stats = self._blockingClient().get_stats() value = sum(int(s[key]) for server, s in stats) except Exception: return 0 return value
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: self._client.flush_all()
[docs] @staticmethod def getCache() -> Tuple[Optional['MemCache'], threading.Lock]: # lock needed because pylibmc(memcached client) is not threadsafe cacheLock = threading.Lock() # check if credentials and location exist, otherwise assume # location is (localhost) with no password url = config.getConfig('cache_memcached_url') if not url: url = '' memcachedUsername = config.getConfig('cache_memcached_username') if not memcachedUsername: memcachedUsername = None memcachedPassword = config.getConfig('cache_memcached_password') if not memcachedPassword: memcachedPassword = None try: cache = MemCache(url, memcachedUsername, memcachedPassword, mustBeAvailable=True) except Exception: config.getLogger().info('Cannot use memcached for caching.') cache = None return cache, cacheLock