Source code for girder_large_image_annotation.models.annotationelement

#  Copyright Kitware Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" );
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import concurrent.futures
import datetime
import io
import math
import pickle
import time

import pymongo
from girder_large_image.models.image_item import ImageItem

import large_image
from girder import logger
from girder.constants import AccessType, SortDir
from girder.models.file import File
from girder.models.item import Item
from girder.models.model_base import Model
from girder.models.upload import Upload

# Some annotation elements can be very large.  If they pass a size threshold,
# store part of them in an associated file.  This is slower, so don't do it for
# small ones.

[docs] class Annotationelement(Model): bboxKeys = { 'left': ('bbox.highx', '$gte'), 'right': ('bbox.lowx', '$lt'), 'top': ('bbox.highy', '$gte'), 'bottom': ('bbox.lowy', '$lt'), 'low': ('bbox.highz', '$gte'), 'high': ('bbox.lowz', '$lt'), 'minimumSize': ('bbox.size', '$gte'), 'size': ('bbox.size', None), 'details': ('bbox.details', None), }
[docs] def initialize(self): = 'annotationelement' self.ensureIndices([ 'annotationId', '_version', ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.lowx', SortDir.DESCENDING), ('bbox.highx', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.size', SortDir.DESCENDING), ], { 'name': 'annotationBboxIdx', }), ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.size', SortDir.DESCENDING), ], { 'name': 'annotationBboxSizeIdx', }), ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('_version', SortDir.DESCENDING), ('', SortDir.ASCENDING), ], { 'name': 'annotationGroupIdx', }), ([ ('created', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('_version', SortDir.ASCENDING), ], {}), 'element.girderId', ]) self.exposeFields(AccessType.READ, ( '_id', '_version', 'annotationId', 'created', 'element')) self.versionId = None
[docs] def getNextVersionValue(self): """ Maintain a version number. This is a single sequence that can be used to ensure we have the correct set of elements for an annotation. :returns: an integer version number that is strictly increasing. """ version = None if self.versionId is not None: version = self.collection.find_one_and_update( {'_id': self.versionId}, {'$inc': {'_version': 1}}) if version is None: versionObject = self.collection.find_one( {'annotationId': 'version_sequence'}) if versionObject is None: startingId = self.collection.find_one({}, sort=[('_version', SortDir.DESCENDING)]) startingId = startingId['_version'] + 1 if startingId else 0 self.versionId = self.collection.insert_one( {'annotationId': 'version_sequence', '_version': startingId}, ).inserted_id else: self.versionId = versionObject['_id'] version = self.collection.find_one_and_update( {'_id': self.versionId}, {'$inc': {'_version': 1}}) return version['_version']
[docs] def getElements(self, annotation, region=None): """ Given an annotation, fetch the elements from the database and add them to it. When a region is used to request specific element, the following keys can be specified: :left, right, top, bottom, low, high: the spatial area where elements are located, all in pixels. If an element's bounding box is at least partially within the requested area, that element is included. :minimumSize: the minimum size of an element to return. :sort, sortdir: standard sort options. The sort key can include size and details. :limit: limit the total number of elements by this value. Defaults to no limit. :offset: the offset within the query to start returning values. If maxDetails is used, to get subsequent sets of elements, the offset needs to be increased by the actual number of elements returned from a previous query, which will vary based on the details of the elements. :maxDetails: if specified, limit the total number of elements by the sum of their details values. This is applied in addition to limit. The sum of the details values of the elements may exceed maxDetails slightly (the sum of all but the last element will be less than maxDetails, but the last element may exceed the value). :minElements: if maxDetails is specified, always return this many elements even if they are very detailed. :centroids: if specified and true, only return the id, center of the bounding box, and bounding box size for each element. :param annotation: the annotation to get elements for. Modified. :param region: if present, a dictionary restricting which annotations are returned. """ annotation['_elementQuery'] = {} annotation['annotation']['elements'] = list(self.yieldElements( annotation, region, annotation['_elementQuery']))
[docs] def yieldElements(self, annotation, region=None, info=None, bbox=False): # noqa """ Given an annotation, fetch the elements from the database. When a region is used to request specific element, the following keys can be specified: :left, right, top, bottom, low, high: the spatial area where elements are located, all in pixels. If an element's bounding box is at least partially within the requested area, that element is included. :minimumSize: the minimum size of an element to return. :sort, sortdir: standard sort options. The sort key can include size and details. :limit: limit the total number of elements by this value. Defaults to no limit. :offset: the offset within the query to start returning values. If maxDetails is used, to get subsequent sets of elements, the offset needs to be increased by the actual number of elements returned from a previous query, which will vary based on the details of the elements. :maxDetails: if specified, limit the total number of elements by the sum of their details values. This is applied in addition to limit. The sum of the details values of the elements may exceed maxDetails slightly (the sum of all but the last element will be less than maxDetails, but the last element may exceed the value). :minElements: if maxDetails is specified, always return this many elements even if they are very detailed. :centroids: if specified and true, only return the id, center of the bounding box, and bounding box size for each element. :bbox: if specified and true and centroids are not specified, add _bbox to each element with the bounding box record. :param annotation: the annotation to get elements for. Modified. :param region: if present, a dictionary restricting which annotations are returned. :param info: an optional dictionary that will be modified with additional query information, including count (total number of available elements), returned (number of elements in response), maxDetails (as specified by the region dictionary), details (sum of details returned), limit (as specified by region), centroids (a boolean based on the region specification). :param bbox: if True, always return bounding box information. :returns: a list of elements. If centroids were requested, each entry is a list with str(id), x, y, size. Otherwise, each entry is the element record. """ info = info if info is not None else {} region = region or {} query = { 'annotationId': annotation.get('_annotationId', annotation['_id']), '_version': annotation['_version'], } for key in region: if key in self.bboxKeys and self.bboxKeys[key][1]: if self.bboxKeys[key][1] == '$gte' and float(region[key]) <= 0: continue query[self.bboxKeys[key][0]] = { self.bboxKeys[key][1]: float(region[key])} if region.get('sort') in self.bboxKeys: sortkey = self.bboxKeys[region['sort']][0] else: sortkey = region.get('sort') or '_id' sortdir = int(region['sortdir']) if region.get('sortdir') else SortDir.ASCENDING limit = int(region['limit']) if region.get('limit') else 0 maxDetails = int(region.get('maxDetails') or 0) minElements = int(region.get('minElements') or 0) queryLimit = max(minElements, maxDetails) if maxDetails and ( not limit or max(minElements, maxDetails) < limit) else limit offset = int(region['offset']) if region.get('offset') else 0 logger.debug('element query %r for %r', query, region) fields = {'_id': True, 'element': True, 'bbox.details': True, 'datafile': True} centroids = str(region.get('centroids')).lower() == 'true' if centroids: # fields = {'_id': True, 'element': True, 'bbox': True} fields = { '_id': True, '': True, 'bbox': True} proplist = [] propskeys = ['type', 'fillColor', 'lineColor', 'lineWidth', 'closed'] # This should match the javascript defaultProps = { 'fillColor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'lineColor': 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'lineWidth': 2, } for key in propskeys: fields['element.%s' % key] = True props = {} info['centroids'] = True info['props'] = proplist info['propskeys'] = propskeys elif region.get('bbox'): fields.pop('bbox.details') fields['bbox'] = True if bbox: fields.pop('bbox.details', None) fields['bbox'] = True elementCursor = self.find( query=query, sort=[(sortkey, sortdir)], limit=queryLimit, offset=offset, fields=fields) info.update({ 'count': elementCursor.count(), 'offset': offset, 'filter': query, 'sort': [sortkey, sortdir], }) details = count = 0 if maxDetails: info['maxDetails'] = maxDetails if minElements: info['minElements'] = minElements if limit: info['limit'] = limit for entry in elementCursor: element = entry['element'] element.setdefault('id', entry['_id']) if centroids: bbox = entry.get('bbox') if not bbox or 'lowx' not in bbox or 'size' not in bbox: continue prop = tuple( element.get(key, defaultProps.get(key)) for key in propskeys if element.get(key, defaultProps.get(key)) is not None) if prop not in props: props[prop] = len(props) proplist.append(list(prop)) yield [ str(element['id']), (bbox['lowx'] + bbox['highx']) / 2, (bbox['lowy'] + bbox['highy']) / 2, bbox['size'] if entry.get('type') != 'point' else 0, props[prop], ] details += 1 else: if entry.get('datafile'): datafile = entry['datafile'] data = io.BytesIO() chunksize = 1024 ** 2 with File().open(File().load(datafile['fileId'], force=True)) as fptr: while True: chunk = if not len(chunk): break data.write(chunk) element[datafile['key']] = pickle.load(data) if 'userFileId' in datafile: data = io.BytesIO() chunksize = 1024 ** 2 with File().open(File().load(datafile['userFileId'], force=True)) as fptr: while True: chunk = if not len(chunk): break data.write(chunk) element['user'] = pickle.load(data) if region.get('bbox') and 'bbox' in entry: element['_bbox'] = entry['bbox'] if 'bbox' not in info: info['bbox'] = {} for axis in {'x', 'y', 'z'}: lkey, hkey = 'low' + axis, 'high' + axis if lkey in entry['bbox'] and hkey in entry['bbox']: info['bbox'][lkey] = min( info['bbox'].get(lkey, entry['bbox'][lkey]), entry['bbox'][lkey]) info['bbox'][hkey] = max( info['bbox'].get(hkey, entry['bbox'][hkey]), entry['bbox'][hkey]) elif bbox and 'bbox' in entry: element['_bbox'] = entry['bbox'] yield element details += entry.get('bbox', {}).get('details', 1) count += 1 if maxDetails and details >= maxDetails and count >= minElements: break info['returned'] = count info['details'] = details
[docs] def removeWithQuery(self, query): """ Remove all documents matching a given query from the collection. For safety reasons, you may not pass an empty query. Note: this does NOT return a Mongo DeleteResult. :param query: The search query for documents to delete, see general MongoDB docs for "find()" :type query: dict """ if not query: msg = 'query must be specified' raise Exception(msg) attachedQuery = query.copy() attachedQuery['datafile'] = {'$exists': True} for element in self.collection.find(attachedQuery): for key in {'fileId', 'userFileId'}: if key in element['datafile']: file = File().load(element['datafile'][key], force=True) if file: File().remove(file) self.collection.bulk_write([pymongo.DeleteMany(query)], ordered=False)
[docs] def removeElements(self, annotation): """ Remove all elements related to the specified annotation. :param annotation: the annotation to remove elements from. """ self.removeWithQuery({'annotationId': annotation['_id']})
[docs] def removeOldElements(self, annotation, oldversion=None): """ Remove all elements related to the specified annotation. :param annotation: the annotation to remove elements from. :param oldversion: if present, remove versions up to this number. If none, remove versions earlier than the version in the annotation record. """ query = {'annotationId': annotation['_id']} if oldversion is None or oldversion >= annotation['_version']: query['_version'] = {'$lt': annotation['_version']} else: query['_version'] = {'$lte': oldversion} self.removeWithQuery(query)
def _overlayBounds(self, overlayElement): """ Compute bounding box information in the X-Y plane for an image overlay element. This uses numpy to perform the specified transform on the given girder image item in order to obtain bounding box coordinates. :param overlayElement: An annotation element of type 'image'. :returns: a tuple with 4 values: lowx, highx, lowy, highy. Runtime exceptions during loading the image metadata will result in the tuple (0, 0, 0, 0). """ if overlayElement.get('type') not in ['image', 'pixelmap']: msg = ('Function _overlayBounds only accepts annotation elements ' 'of type "image", "pixelmap."') raise ValueError(msg) import numpy as np lowx = highx = lowy = highy = 0 try: overlayItemId = overlayElement.get('girderId') imageItem = ImageItem().load(overlayItemId, force=True) overlayImageMetadata = ImageItem().getMetadata(imageItem) corners = [ [0, 0], [0, overlayImageMetadata['sizeY']], [overlayImageMetadata['sizeX'], overlayImageMetadata['sizeY']], [overlayImageMetadata['sizeX'], 0], ] transform = overlayElement.get('transform', {}) transformMatrix = np.array(transform.get('matrix', [[1, 0], [0, 1]])) corners = [np.matmul(np.array(corner), transformMatrix) for corner in corners] offsetArray = np.array([transform.get('xoffset', 0), transform.get('yoffset', 0)]) corners = [np.add(corner, offsetArray) for corner in corners] # use .item() to convert back to native python types lowx = min([corner[0] for corner in corners]).item() highx = max([corner[0] for corner in corners]).item() lowy = min([corner[1] for corner in corners]).item() highy = max([corner[1] for corner in corners]).item() except Exception: logger.exception('Error generating bounding box for image overlay annotation') return lowx, highx, lowy, highy def _boundingBox(self, element): """ Compute bounding box information for an annotation element. This computes the enclosing bounding box of an element. For points, an small non-zero-area region is used centered on the point. Additionally, a metric is stored for the complexity of the element. The size of the bounding box's x-y diagonal is also stored. :param element: the element to compute the bounding box for. :returns: the bounding box dictionary. This contains 'lowx', 'lowy', 'lowz', 'highx', 'highy', and 'highz, which are the minimum and maximum values in each dimension, 'details' with the complexity of the element, and 'size' with the x-y diagonal size of the bounding box. """ bbox = {} if 'points' in element: pts = element['points'] p0 = [p[0] for p in pts] p1 = [p[1] for p in pts] p2 = [p[2] for p in pts] bbox['lowx'] = min(p0) bbox['lowy'] = min(p1) bbox['lowz'] = min(p2) bbox['highx'] = max(p0) bbox['highy'] = max(p1) bbox['highz'] = max(p2) bbox['details'] = len(pts) elif element.get('type') == 'griddata': x0, y0, z = element['origin'] isElements = element.get('interpretation') == 'choropleth' x1 = x0 + element['dx'] * (element['gridWidth'] - (1 if not isElements else 0)) y1 = y0 + element['dy'] * (math.ceil(len(element['values']) / element['gridWidth']) - (1 if not isElements else 0)) bbox['lowx'] = min(x0, x1) bbox['lowy'] = min(y0, y1) bbox['lowz'] = bbox['highz'] = z bbox['highx'] = max(x0, x1) bbox['highy'] = max(y0, y1) bbox['details'] = len(element['values']) elif element.get('type') in ['image', 'pixelmap']: lowx, highx, lowy, highy = Annotationelement()._overlayBounds(element) bbox['lowz'] = bbox['highz'] = 0 bbox['lowx'] = lowx bbox['highx'] = highx bbox['lowy'] = lowy bbox['highy'] = highy bbox['details'] = 1 else: center = element['center'] bbox['lowz'] = bbox['highz'] = center[2] if 'width' in element: w = element['width'] * 0.5 h = element['height'] * 0.5 if element.get('rotation'): absin = abs(math.sin(element['rotation'])) abcos = abs(math.cos(element['rotation'])) w, h = max(abcos * w, absin * h), max(absin * w, abcos * h) bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - w bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - h bbox['highx'] = center[0] + w bbox['highy'] = center[1] + h bbox['details'] = 4 elif 'radius' in element: rad = element['radius'] bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - rad bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - rad bbox['highx'] = center[0] + rad bbox['highy'] = center[1] + rad bbox['details'] = 4 else: # This is a fall back for points. Although they have no # dimension, make the bounding box have some extent. bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - 0.5 bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - 0.5 bbox['highx'] = center[0] + 0.5 bbox['highy'] = center[1] + 0.5 bbox['details'] = 1 bbox['size'] = ( (bbox['highy'] - bbox['lowy'])**2 + (bbox['highx'] - bbox['lowx'])**2) ** 0.5 # we may want to store perimeter or area as that could help when we # simplify to points return bbox def _entryIsLarge(self, entry): """ Return True is an entry is alrge enough it might not fit in a mongo document. :param entry: the entry to check. :returns: True if the entry is large. """ if len(entry['element'].get('points', entry['element'].get( 'values', []))) > MAX_ELEMENT_DOCUMENT: return True if ('user' in entry['element'] and len(pickle.dumps(entry['element'], protocol=4)) > MAX_ELEMENT_USER_DOCUMENT): return True return False
[docs] def saveElementAsFile(self, annotation, entries): """ If an element has a large points or values array, save that array to an attached file. :param annotation: the parent annotation. :param entries: the database entries document. Modified. """ item = Item().load(annotation['itemId'], force=True) for idx, entry in enumerate(entries[:MAX_ELEMENT_CHECK]): if not self._entryIsLarge(entry): continue element = entry['element'].copy() entries[idx]['element'] = element key = 'points' if 'points' in element else 'values' # Use the highest protocol support by all python versions we # support data = pickle.dumps(element.pop(key), protocol=4) elementFile = Upload().uploadFromFile( io.BytesIO(data), size=len(data), name='_annotationElementData', parentType='item', parent=item, user=None, mimeType='application/json', attachParent=True) userdata = None if 'user' in element: userdata = pickle.dumps(element.pop('user'), protocol=4) userFile = Upload().uploadFromFile( io.BytesIO(userdata), size=len(userdata), name='_annotationElementUserData', parentType='item', parent=item, user=None, mimeType='application/json', attachParent=True) entry['datafile'] = { 'key': key, 'fileId': elementFile['_id'], } if userdata: entry['datafile']['userFileId'] = userFile['_id'] logger.debug('Storing element as file (%r)', entry)
[docs] def updateElementChunk(self, elements, chunk, chunkSize, annotation, now): """ Update the database for a chunk of elements. See the updateElements method for details. """ lastTime = time.time() chunkStartTime = time.time() entries = [{ 'annotationId': annotation['_id'], '_version': annotation['_version'], 'created': now, 'bbox': self._boundingBox(element), 'element': element, } for element in elements[chunk:chunk + chunkSize]] prepTime = time.time() - chunkStartTime if (len(entries) <= MAX_ELEMENT_CHECK and any( self._entryIsLarge(entry) for entry in entries[:MAX_ELEMENT_CHECK])): self.saveElementAsFile(annotation, entries) res = self.collection.insert_many(entries, ordered=False) for pos, entry in enumerate(entries): if 'id' not in entry['element']: entry['element']['id'] = str(res.inserted_ids[pos]) # If the insert is slow, log information about it. if time.time() - lastTime > 10:'insert %d elements in %4.2fs (prep time %4.2fs), chunk %d/%d' % ( len(entries), time.time() - chunkStartTime, prepTime, chunk + len(entries), len(elements))) lastTime = time.time()
[docs] def updateElements(self, annotation): """ Given an annotation, extract the elements from it and update the database of them. :param annotation: the annotation to save elements for. Modified. """ startTime = time.time() elements = annotation['annotation'].get('elements', []) if not len(elements): return now = threads = large_image.config.cpu_count() chunkSize = int(max(100000 // threads, 10000)) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as pool: for chunk in range(0, len(elements), chunkSize): pool.submit(self.updateElementChunk, elements, chunk, chunkSize, annotation, now) if time.time() - startTime > 10:'inserted %d elements in %4.2fs' % ( len(elements), time.time() - startTime))
[docs] def getElementGroupSet(self, annotation): query = { 'annotationId': annotation.get('_annotationId', annotation['_id']), '_version': annotation['_version'], } groups = sorted([ group for group in self.collection.distinct('', filter=query) if isinstance(group, str) ]) query[''] = None if self.collection.find_one(query): groups.append(None) return groups