Girder Annotation Configuration Options ======================================= General Plugin Settings ----------------------- There are some general plugin settings that affect large_image annotation as a Girder plugin. These settings can be accessed by an Admin user through the ``Admin Console`` / ``Plugins`` and selecting the gear icon next to ``Large image annotation``. Store annotation history ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If ``Record annotation history`` is selected, whenever annotations are saved, previous versions are kept in the database. This can greatly increase the size of the database. The old versions of the annotations allow the API to be used to revent to previous versions or to audit changes over time. .large_image_config.yaml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This can be used to specify how annotations are listed on the item page. :: --- # If present, show a table with column headers in annotation lists annotationList: # show these columns in order from left to right. Each column has a # "type" and "value". It optionally has a "title" used for the column # header, and a "format" used for searching and filtering. There are # always control columns at the left and right. columns: - # The "record" type is from the default annotation record. The value # is one of "name", "creator", "created", "updatedId", "updated", type: record value: name - type: record value: creator # A format of user will print the user name instead of the id format: user - type: record value: created # A format of date will use the browser's default date format format: date - # The "metadata" type is taken from the annotations's # "annotation.attributes" contents. It can be a nested key by using # dots in its name. type: metadata value: Stain # "format" can be "text", "number", "category". Other values may be # specified later. format: text defaultSort: # The default lists a sort order for sortable columns. This must have # type, value, and dir for each entry, where dir is either "up" or # "down". - type: metadata value: Stain dir: up - type: record value: name dir: down These values can be combined with values from the base large_image plugin.